
Friday 22 June 2018

Trust Trekkers special mission.

Today the trust Trekkers had to do a special mission. We had to go and stand at the two car parks and wait for our visitors to arrive. When they got here we had to ask them are you here for the Uru Manuka trust meeting, and if they said yes then we had to introduce ourselves.

 For example I had to say "Hi my name is Khaylanie I am a trust Trekkers at Hornby Primary School. I will show you the way to the office". We had to stay out there for about half and hour and it was cold. Then finally we went back to our warm class.

Please leave a helpful thoughtful and positive comment. See you guys next time.

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Weather cycle DLO

Ih guys welcome back. Today I am going to be showing you guys my weather cycle DLO. Also I made this DLO as a anmaion. I have been doing this for about 6 or 7 weeks. So hope you guys like my DLO. Please leave a positive helpful and thoughtful comment.