
Friday 29 November 2019


Going to Samoa in the holidays!
Yes, it is time! On the 30th of November On Saturday, I am going on a trip to Samoa With my mum and dad. I have one more day until I go. I am excited but also not because I am going to miss my friends a lot. You might think I am going for 1 or 2 weeks but no I am going for 6 WEEKS! That is a long time. I am most excited to see my family that I haven't seen in 7 years.

So we are taking 12 bags in total big bags 3 small suitcases and 3 Backpacks. We are going to be staying were my dad's village is which is the Pear, and we will be visiting my mum’s villages to which is Lauli’i. I am really excited to go to my mum's village because there are lots of kids, my cousin had a baby and I am excited to see my baby cousin that is named after me.

I am excited to go on the plane but at the same time not because my ears start to hurt really bad and the last time I went on a plane to go to Auckland I got an ear infection and it was painful. When we get to Samoa we are going to have a feast with our families and friends. I don’t really know how I am going to survive the heat Because it is very hot there.

The things I want to do there.
  • Go swimming.
  • Try their pizza. 
  • Catch A baby chick.
  • Meet all my family members that I haven’t met. 
  •  Catch a baby pig.
  • Go see my nana and papas grave. 
  • Swim with the Turtles
  • Go to the beach.
  • Go to the movies.  
  • Make a fort in the room. 

I hope you all have a great holiday with family and friends, Have an amazing Christmas and happy new years! I won't be posting in the holidays because I am not taking my Chromebook to Samoa.

See you all in 2020 Bloggers!

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