
Thursday 24 September 2020

Metal Health Awareness!!

Mental Health Awareness!

Hi, bloggers welcome back to my blog. For Our last period today, we wrote down things that could help with our mental health. There are 4 different types of well beings, Spiritual, Family & social and Mental & Emotional. These are all of the types of well beings that are part of your mental health. Here are some things that help with my mental help or that could also help you. Spiritual - pray,meditate, yoga and go somewhere special to you.

Physical - Go for walks,Exercise, have my 5+ a day,drink water and stay Hydrated and Do activities outside, go swimming and having enough sleep for the next day.

Mental & Emotional - I like to read a book, Right down your emotions on a book, lay down and close your eyes, Take a momment to go out side and have a breath in, cuddle with your pets and give somone a hug.

Family & Social - Have a family day out and spend more time with them, make a family tiktok, take family photos and go vist your loved ones.

Thank you guys for reading my blog. Those are somethings that I like to do for my wellbeing. What things do you like to do for your wellbing

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Healthy lifstyle

Hi, guys welcome to another blog post for today. Today in health we had a task to write a 4-course meal for a day - Breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. The four main groups of food were Grains, Fruit and vegetables, dairy, and legumes.  These are the four main groups of food that you should be having every day to have a healthy lifestyle. Here is my meal plan.

Your Task: Create a meal plan for 1 day that includes all the necessary amounts for each of the 4 Food Groups

Vegetables + Fruit - at least 3 servings of veggies and 2 servings of fruit every day 

Grain foods - 6 servings each day (check portion sizes)

Milk/Milk products - 2 servings

Legumes/Nuts/Seeds/Fish/Seafood/Eggs/Poultry/Meat etc. - 2 servings 

When you have created your meal plan, please highlight each food based on the colors provided above. This will help us clearly see where each of the food groups has fit in. Remember, you want each meal to be a balanced plate.

Bonus research: how many glasses of water should we have each day? Fit this into your meal plan. 


Weetabix - Milk, Banana, Sugar


Sandwich - bread, Eggs, Mayo, Apple


Grapes, Cheese, Bar,hard-boiled eggs


Steak, peans, Milk, rice


How many servings per day? 8

How do you think you could fit these in besides just at mealtimes? 

  •    Dinner

  •   Lunch

  • Snack

Becoming a martian!

 Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. We are starting a new Hurumanu which is science and writing. We did Science last term about Mars and this term we are learning more about mars again part two. Today we got an article from out of a journey that we had to read. If you guest it's about mars in this article it tells us all about growing food and how they get water etc. There are some questions that we had to answer so I am going to share them with you.


  1. When can a mission to Mars (or from Mars) happen? Why? 

Any mission from or two mars can happen every twenty-six months. Because the two planets would be really close together at this time.

  1. What are the two geological features of Mars?

Mars is called a red planet because of its color and the cause is because of the large amount of iron oxide. The largest volcano on mars is called Olympus mons, and the largest canon is called Valles Marineris.

  1. What is one possible solution from the story about oxygen on Mars?
    One option is to live in caves or underground lava tubes. When they go outside they would need to wear spacesuits, and NASA is already working on a new type of spacesuit that would keep astronauts comfortable and alive.

  1. If it doesn’t rain on Mars, where does the water come from? 

People from Earth can not take water to mars because the water is very heavy and it takes up a lot of space. On Mars, it doesn't rain so astronauts get their water from the polar ice caps where their water is found as ice. People that have been on Mars have discovered more water underground, and only a little amount of water flows on the planet's surface and When it’s warm enough on mars the water is packed with toxic salts.

  1. How will people get food on Mars? What is a possible solution?

If people were to take food to Mars it would have to last them at least twenty-six months until the next rocket of food arrives, and the amount of food for each person would weigh 5 tonnes. So the possible solution would be to use mirrors that would direct the sunlight to where the ice polar caps are. You would do this because it creates carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas. The heat would be used as a warm blanket. Soon after it would be warm enough for plants to grow.

Thursday 10 September 2020

This terms art and writing!

Hi, guys welcome back to another blog post. For this term, we have been doing Art and Writing. It took us a while to finish our writing and drawings but in the end, we finally got there. Our stories were based on Heros and villans. We had to make a plan first before writing our story so then we have a strong idea of what we are writing about. My two main characters are Evaan he is a boy and also the villain but in the end, he changes and because a hero too. My second main character is Tina she is the hero and she is trying to stop Evaan from taking the animals away from the jungle. Those are the two main characters I have one more character which is Bob and he is Tina's little sidekick but he isn't in the story a lot. Ok, that's enough information I will link my writing on this blog post.

For our drawings we had to draw a drawing of our setting, unfortunately, I haven't finished my drawing of the Jungle, but I do have to drawings of my Villan and hero. The main things we had to have in our setting drawings is a perspective line, a vanishing line, and a Horizon line.

These are my drawings:

This is the link to my writing!

This term I have had a great time drawing and writing my story about heroes and villains. Next time I would like to finish all my drawings so then I can post them on my blog and show them to my family and friends.