Mental Health Awareness!
Hi, bloggers welcome back to my blog. For Our last period today, we wrote down things that could help with our mental health. There are 4 different types of well beings, Spiritual, Family & social and Mental & Emotional. These are all of the types of well beings that are part of your mental health. Here are some things that help with my mental help or that could also help you. Spiritual - pray,meditate, yoga and go somewhere special to you.
Physical - Go for walks,Exercise, have my 5+ a day,drink water and stay Hydrated and Do activities outside, go swimming and having enough sleep for the next day.
Mental & Emotional - I like to read a book, Right down your emotions on a book, lay down and close your eyes, Take a momment to go out side and have a breath in, cuddle with your pets and give somone a hug.
Family & Social - Have a family day out and spend more time with them, make a family tiktok, take family photos and go vist your loved ones.
Thank you guys for reading my blog. Those are somethings that I like to do for my wellbeing. What things do you like to do for your wellbing