
Thursday 10 September 2020

This terms art and writing!

Hi, guys welcome back to another blog post. For this term, we have been doing Art and Writing. It took us a while to finish our writing and drawings but in the end, we finally got there. Our stories were based on Heros and villans. We had to make a plan first before writing our story so then we have a strong idea of what we are writing about. My two main characters are Evaan he is a boy and also the villain but in the end, he changes and because a hero too. My second main character is Tina she is the hero and she is trying to stop Evaan from taking the animals away from the jungle. Those are the two main characters I have one more character which is Bob and he is Tina's little sidekick but he isn't in the story a lot. Ok, that's enough information I will link my writing on this blog post.

For our drawings we had to draw a drawing of our setting, unfortunately, I haven't finished my drawing of the Jungle, but I do have to drawings of my Villan and hero. The main things we had to have in our setting drawings is a perspective line, a vanishing line, and a Horizon line.

These are my drawings:

This is the link to my writing!

This term I have had a great time drawing and writing my story about heroes and villains. Next time I would like to finish all my drawings so then I can post them on my blog and show them to my family and friends. 

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