
Monday 15 November 2021

My LED Sign!

 Kia ora Everyone, I am starting a new class which is door signs/LED signs. For the next 4 weeks, I am going to be recording my process by writing on this blog post each session. 

Lesson 1:

So The designs I am thinking of doing is a cultural pattern or an animal/nature themed pattern. I would also like to put words on my sign like for example if im doing a cultural pattern I could put, Samoa or a sort of tropical quote. The acrylic I am going to be using is clear because I would like to make my LED lights turn different colours every 5  seconds or so.

Aim: I am aiming to make my acrylic sign something that I like and enjoy making.

Lesson 2:

This is going to be the design that I have chosen to do for my sign:

Polynesian Flower Tattoo Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

List what voltage and resistor you will need next your LEDs:

Voltage = 4.5v

Resistor =4.5 ohms

Talk about why is it important to use a resistor? 

It is important to use a resistor because it will prevent the light bulbs from blowing up.

What does LED stand for and what do you need to make sure of when you connect it up in a circuit?

Led stands for light emitting diode, and you need to make sure when connecting the LED lights to the circuit you have to put it the right way up.

Lesson 3:

Work what Ohm Resistor you will need for your project.

What will the colour code of a this resistor be?

What do you think the Tolerance rating means?

Friday 5 November 2021

Gender equality - Social studies

 Gender Equality:

Kia ora everyone, Welcome back to another blog post. For the past 3 weeks, I have been working on a case study about The Women's suffrage and gender equality. For the first 2 weeks, I have been researching the famous Kate Shepard and the women's suffrage movement, This was a practice for our final essay in which we got to pick our topic. Then for the final week, it was time to write our essay that was based on human rights, which I choose to pick Gender equality.

What Is gender equality?

Gender equality is when all genders have equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities. But then gender equality comes with inequality which could affect all people like men, women, trans etc. This impacts all ages and backgrounds. Gender equality might also mean that men and women should be treated the same or differently, An example of this is women and men should get paid the same for working the same hours and doing the same jobs or it could be that both genders should be treated differently with medicines and methods to make there healthcare equal. 

Why do we need equality?

We urgently need gender equality because it can prevent violence between all genders. If everyone has fair equal rights then we won't have problems with each other. It is important for us to keep gender equality so then everyone has equal opportunities to make the most of their lives, and it is believed that everyone should be treated the same even though they are of a different race, gender, size whatsoever.


Overall I just think that keeping gender equality is important because I believe that everyone should be treated the same and should have equal opportunities as everyone else, and I also believe that keeping gender equality, will again prevent violence from happening. 

Thursday 4 November 2021

Science - Electrical House Project

 Electrical House Project!

Kia ora everyone, Welcome back to another science blog post. For our last project for Science, we have been making and drawing out electrical houses. Our task was to pick out of the 3 houses to draw out, Each house was different levels I choose to pick the hardest house which was house 3. For this house, we had to have at least 5 rooms and only 10-12 light bulbs. 

Our second task was making a circuit diagram (using a circuit diagram kit). The aim of this task was to connect as many light bulbs together and to also get them to work/glow. 

Aim: To create a successful Electrical house 


Starting steps:

  • Pick which house you want to do.
  • Draw out your house and pick where your rooms are gonna be.
  • Draw where all your light bulbs are gonna be.
Calculating steps:

1. The first step was to calculate all the sides of the house AKA the perimeter of the house. 

2. The second step was to calculate the Area of each bedroom (the hallway counted as a room cause it had light bulbs).

3. The last step was to add all the measurements together of the bedrooms to create the total area of the house.


My calculations:

The perimeter of the house=114

Bedroom 1 = 160

Bedroom 2 = 48m

Bedroom 3 = 130m

Bedroom 4 = 112m

Bedroom 5 =64m

Bedroom 6 = 48m

Total Area = 601.25m

Total current = 24.28A


The term voltage means, a measure of how much energy the current is carrying.

The term current means, the rate of flow of electrical charge across a point.

The term resistance means, a measure of the opposition to current flow in an electrical circuit.

How to do the calculations:

To find the voltage = I x R

To find current = V / R

To find Resistance = V/I


To sum it all up, This project was fun but at the same time a little confusing at first. When we first started this project I was just lost and didn't know what to do, but then over the weeks, I started to understand it more and also started to enjoy doing it. Next time I would like to do my diagram a little better because it was messy but other than that I wouldn't change anything else I did.