
Thursday 30 November 2017

Athletics days

On Tuesday the 28 we had Atheletics day and the events where high jump, long jump, shot put, 
discus sprints and long distance. The first thing we did was sprints I flet nervous when we started but when we finshed I forund out  that  I came 3rd place. so I went to the finals and when we did the finals 9 year old girls race I came last but I tried my best. The othere thing we did was discus I think that I came 1st in discus. We also did high jump I didn't go that high but I jumped highy then when we practicing for that day. My favourite part was when we had the race becase we got to see the school race so that was very fun Also my favourite part was when we got to have break. That was also very relaxing I was very  tired. My goal for next year is to run in long distance.

Friday 24 November 2017

Information report about cheetahs.

Image result for cheetahsImage result for cheetahsImage result for cheetahsImage result for cheetahsImage result for cheetahs
Talofa my name is Khaylanie. Have you ever heard of cheetahs? If you  haven't you are about to know everything about cheetahs will not everything but somethings like what they eat, where they live, how many cubs they can have, what cheetahs look like,  how fast they can run.  So prepare to be amazed.

What do cheetahs eat?
Cheetahs are carnivores so they eat meat,like rabbits,bird, antelopes,impalas,gazelles, and other smaller hoofed animals in its habitats .

Where cheetahs live?
Most cheetahs are found sub-saharan, Africa and in eastern and South Africa. They Also like open grazing grand. That is cool but Scary because they might eat you.

How many cubs cheetahs can have?
After 90-95 day a female cheetahs will give birth to a litter of 3-5 cubs. The larger litter is 8 cubs. The cubs usually weaned at 6-8 week and will then leave the den a follow there mother.

What cheetahs look like?
Cheetahs have short tan coat that has small black spots which helps them hide or be camouflaged. There are no spots on the cheetahs white stomach area. Adult  cheetahs will grow to between 90 and 140 pounds and around 4 to 4.5 feet long.

  How fast can cheetahs run?
Cheetahs can run up to 75 miles per hour. They can also run60 miles per hour within just three seconds- this is how fast they can run 110-120 km/h that is fast can you run that fast.

My conclusion
So far I found out that cheetahs can have a litter of 3-5 cubs and the larger litter is s cubs. Also I found that cheetahs can run up to 75 miles

Per hour that is fast and they like to eat rabbit, bird’s Impalas, Antelope and Gazelles. Another thing that I found out about cheetahs can live in Africa, South Africa and open Grazing ground. My favourite thing about cheetahs was that cheetahs have spots which help them hide or be camouflaged how cool is that. I think that learning about cheetahs is a cool experience to do.

Monday 20 November 2017


          W.A.L.T Reading that instructions, then teaching other people    

This week and A few weeks ago we learnt how to play some game. We got the game from the
Warehouse. Because the Warehouse donated some money to use so we can by some stuff. So our teacher decided to by some new games for use. We just wanted to thank you wherehouse for the games. Me and Shanarnia decided to play a game the we havn't play yet. So we picked BOLD becasce it looks like a fun game. me and Shanarnia weren't the only ones play the game becouse all of literacy group one played the game. The purpose of playing the gams are to read the instructions,learn haw to play the game and then teach other how to play. this is a pictures. my Opinion is this game is confusing but when you keep practicing then you get better at playing the game. her is a little slidshow of how to play BOLD.