
Tuesday 30 October 2018

Prepare for our end of year Pat comprenesion and Star test.

W.A.L.T Prepare for our end of year Pat comprehension and Star test.

Hi today I am going to prepare for the two tests that I am going to do at the end of the year. the to test I am going to do is the Pat comprehension and Star test. At the start of the year I Also did a Pat comprehension and star test. Pat comprehension and Star test is important because it shows how much we have improved. 

At the start of the year I got a stanine 3 for both of my tesst . My goal is to At lest get to  a stanine 4 or 5 for both of my tests. To improve I am going to re read the parghragh and read to the end of the sentence. If I get unfocused I can Take a dip breth in or I can take a little break.

Here is a question Have for you have you ever done a Pat comprenesion and Star test. Let me know if you have in the commnet section.


  1. Hi Khaylanie, I really love your blogpost that you posted. The only thing that was a mistake in your blogpost is that you miss spelled Comprehension, test and sentence. Anyway I am also going to re read my paragraphs as well as you.
    How do you feel about doing the test's?


  2. Hi Bailey
    Thank you for comment on my blog post. its good to no that you enjoyed my blog post. as soon as I read your comment I went straight back and fixes the worlds that weren't spelled right. In the test I feel nervous and excited because I think that I am going to fail. How did you feel about the test. Cheers😜


To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
3. Something helpful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.