
Thursday 15 November 2018

What is my maths stanine for the end of the year? 😀

What is my maths stanine for the end of the year?😀

Welcome back today I am going to share my maths stanine for the end of the year.  At the start of the year I got a stanine 3. So to improve I have been work really hard to move up a staninie. My goal was to get a stanine 4 or 5, and on my test I worked really hard to get a stanine 4 or 5, and guess what I got a stanine 4 yay. I was so happy for my self mostly because my mum and dad would be really happy for me.

what was your stanine? you do not need to share your stanine if you don't won't to but you can tell me if you moved up a stanine or if you stayed the same stanine? is there any more questions about the test if you do don't be afraid to ask me in the comments 

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