
Monday 1 July 2019

P.E Tapu Ae.

Hi, guys welcome back today we played Tapu Ae In P.E. This was I really fun game to play. We have some questions that we needed to answer.

What is Tapu?
Tapu is A  fun game that involves 7 players in each team, a ball,18 cones and 6 tennis balls 

What are some of the basic rules?

  1.  The guardian is the protects the tupu and tries to stop the other team from knocking the ball off the cones. 
  2. The guardian of the tupu is not allowed to go out of the circle and the attackers are not allowed inside of that circle. The line that leads into the middle part cannot cross that line or else the other team gets the ball
  3. The people in the middle can not pass the lines that surround them. They can not pass the line that leads inside where the attackers are playing. They can only pass to them
  4.  The ki/ ball has passed every part of the court to be played because of not it gets passed on to the other team. It can’t be thrown over the middle when playing.
  5. The people on the sides/ the subs need to cheer on their team of not playing. They can kind of be a helper to tell whoever is in charge 
  6. The last rule that is needed to be told is that you need to have fun when playing Tapu Ae. Enjoy the game.

What are some of the te reo Maori Kupu that we talked about? 
Papa Takaro (playing fields), Ki (ball), Ki into Te Ao (The middle zone)

What was your role in your team for these games? 
my role in my team was being the water girl and cheering on for the team when I am a sub, and I played Atack And defence on the court.
What did you enjoy the most about the game?
Today Playing Tupa Ae I enjoyed having fun running around and having some time outside playing with some of my friends and teammates.

What were some of the drawbacks that you can think of?
Same of the drawbacks was that my team didn't do really well on finding space and passing around and communicating with each other.  

What could your team do better next you play?
My team needs to work on finding space, passing around to each other and communicating with each other.

Teacher comment:
I saw you participating fully in the game, and can see you understand the history of the game. 

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