
Tuesday 29 October 2019

Fossil fuel!

Fossil fuel!
Aim: To learn about the impact of fossil fuels on our environment.

What are the three fossil fuels are mined?
  1. Oil
  2. Caol
  3. Natural.
  1. Toothpick
  2. Plate
  3. Cookie

  1. Draw a picture of cookie
  2. Draw a picture of habitat
  3. Colour your drawings
  4. Start to mine your cookie
  5. Draw how the cookie looks like after mining it.

What type of habitat is it?
It is an ocean habitat.

How do humans use my habitat?
Swim, Surfing, Fishing, Go on boats

What plants and animals live there?
Seaweed, Starfish, Octopus, Fish, Crab.

After mining cookie:
How has my habitat changed?
It has a hole in the middle like a doughnut. 

How can we avoid this in the future?
Don't mine in the middle.

what lives there now?

I learned that mining things and distorting things can affect many animals and plants and can kill them.


  1. Talofa Khaylanie,

    Today I have decided to comment on your blog because I have not commented on your blog post. First I like your drawing and how specific you have written. I also like how you explained what you drew.There is nothing wrong it was really amazing a perfect. BYE!!

  2. Talofa lava Khaylanie,

    It is me Santannah your cousin. I really like what you have done! Maybe it would be better if you could put your face in there to because you made it! I also like how you explained what you drew! Bye Khaylanie!


To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
3. Something helpful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.