
Friday 25 October 2019

Hurumanu - Renewable Energy/Science Hurumanu.

Hurumanu - Renewable Energy

Aim: To make a solar-powered oven.


  1.   Tape
  2.   Pizza box
  3.   Black plastic 
  4.   Scissors 
  5.   Newspaper
  6.  Glad-wrap
  7.  Tinfoil
  8.  Chocolate biscuit 
  9.  Marshmallows 
  10.  Straw
  1.   Cut out the flap on the lid of the pizza box so that it is 5cm around the edge.
  2. Sellotape some tinfoil on the inside of the flap.
  3.  Sellotape some glad-wrap so that the hole you have cut on the pizza box lid is covered over with glad-wrap.
  4.   Put a piece of black plastic on the bottom of the inside of the pizza box makes a paper square that fits inside the pizza box and lays around the edge.
  5.   Put a marshmallow on top of the chocolate biscuits, place it on a plastic plate and put it in the solar oven.
  6.   Put it in the sun to cook.
Our renewable energy oven took a little while to warm up. 

Section 3; Investigate each of the 4 Energy types.
( Hydro ,Solar ,Wind ,Wave ) 

  1. Type: solar Energy 
  2. Is it used in NZ?
  3. Other Countries that use it?
  4. How is it used to generate electricity?
  5. Draw and label a diagram of the main parts of the electricity generator? This can be done on paper and uploaded or on a drawing program on your device. I do not want any Internet images or pictures. They must be hand-drawn using a ruler and labeled.

Section 4: Renewable Energy in the future.

List 10 ways that renewable energy will be used in the future to replace our current activities.

So in our class, we didn't put our smores in our renewable energy oven yet. But I think our group was a success because we managed to finish the oven. Maybe next time we could work on working as time and giving other people in the team a chance to help make the oven. But other than that we did a good job.

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