
Monday 14 October 2019

What happened on the Holiday?

    What happened on the Holiday?
Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. How is everyone doing? How was your holiday? my holiday was amazing in fact that is what I am going to do Right now I am going to share a highlight and a lowlight of Holidays?

My highlight was that I went to my cousin's house for most of the holidays. My cousin's name is Maustina. I am going to share 1 thing we did
So one day I went to my cousin's house Maustina and we went swimming At Jelly park. So we got there by car we also went with my uncle Maustina's dad. For both of us to go swimming it was $7.00. We went to get changed, then we went swimming. I and Maustina did some challenges like the handstand competition and won. I also did some front flips underwater. 
We were at Jelly park for 3 hours we went there at 1.00pm and came back home at 4.00pm. When Me and my cousins got to her house we were really tired, But we did have lots of fun.

My lowlight happened when me and my cousin went to the park Margaret Mahy to play and hang out. So we were playing around and running around the park and there were lots of seagulls flying around in the sky I was so afraid that one of them was going to poop on me so I said "please don't poop on Me" But then 5 seconds later one of the seagulls pooped on my arm. 
It was really gross but some people say its good luck when a bird poops on you, but when the bird pooped on me it didn't feel like good luck to me it felt like bad luck. After it pooped on me I went and washed it off my arm.

it was really nice and calm in the holidays I hope you all had I lovely holiday spending time with your family and friends.
What did you do in the weekend?

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