
Thursday 29 October 2020

Communication in space!

Communication in space!

Hi, bloggers welcome back to my blog post. For the past two weeks in Science, we have been learning/researching about communication in space. For our research, we had to find out why no one can hear you scream in space and this is what I found out. 

Why can nobody hear you shout in space?

The reason why no one can hear you in space is cause In space sound can’t travel throughout the vacuum ( the vacuum of space is nothing) of space. Sound is a mechanical wave, so that means it needs some sort of substance to travel through, such as water and air. So in space, there is no air so the sound has nothing to travel through.

The challenge!

After we finished our research we did a challenge. The challenge was to use flag signals, morse code, or binary to try and communicate with our partners from a distance. I and my partner Bailey decided to do flag signals. Flag signals are a type of signal/communication that you would sometimes use in space. these are what flag signals look like.

our complication!

Our complication was that some of the flag signals looked very similar, So for example G and A. G and A are Similar but they are opposite to each other. But our complication was that I was standing in front of her but in a distance so my left to her would be right and my right to her would be left.

Our solution!

Me and Bailey's solution was to change some of the moves that looked the same and wrote them down on a piece of paper. For example, for G we would still have it in the same position but I would be waving it from side to side.


After all the work and communication that we did, I had a great time learning about flag signals, morse code, and binary. But overall I liked the flag signals the most because it was one of the easiest ones to act out, but it was also complicated to read the signals from afar distance. 

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