
Friday 29 November 2019


Going to Samoa in the holidays!
Yes, it is time! On the 30th of November On Saturday, I am going on a trip to Samoa With my mum and dad. I have one more day until I go. I am excited but also not because I am going to miss my friends a lot. You might think I am going for 1 or 2 weeks but no I am going for 6 WEEKS! That is a long time. I am most excited to see my family that I haven't seen in 7 years.

So we are taking 12 bags in total big bags 3 small suitcases and 3 Backpacks. We are going to be staying were my dad's village is which is the Pear, and we will be visiting my mum’s villages to which is Lauli’i. I am really excited to go to my mum's village because there are lots of kids, my cousin had a baby and I am excited to see my baby cousin that is named after me.

I am excited to go on the plane but at the same time not because my ears start to hurt really bad and the last time I went on a plane to go to Auckland I got an ear infection and it was painful. When we get to Samoa we are going to have a feast with our families and friends. I don’t really know how I am going to survive the heat Because it is very hot there.

The things I want to do there.
  • Go swimming.
  • Try their pizza. 
  • Catch A baby chick.
  • Meet all my family members that I haven’t met. 
  •  Catch a baby pig.
  • Go see my nana and papas grave. 
  • Swim with the Turtles
  • Go to the beach.
  • Go to the movies.  
  • Make a fort in the room. 

I hope you all have a great holiday with family and friends, Have an amazing Christmas and happy new years! I won't be posting in the holidays because I am not taking my Chromebook to Samoa.

See you all in 2020 Bloggers!

Monday 18 November 2019

Japaneses Work.

Hi, guys welcome back to my blog Today I am going to be sharing the work I have been doing in Japanese. The work that we have been doing is introducing our self in Japanese. Her is my work. 

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Hurumanu: Climate Change and the future

Hurumanu: Climate Change and the future

Aim; To look at the different ways we can prevent climate change in the future.

What places will be affected?
It would affect the Pacific Islands. 

What else do we need to think about?
Not making new things near the sea.

What other places around NZ will be affected?
It would affect Different places around Newzealand.

What does this do to our drinking water?
Saltwater is going to get into our drinking water.

What are the main concerns?
Saltwater is going to get into our drinking water.

What can we do?

  1.  Electric cars. 
  2.  Use public transport. 
  3.  Using solar power to build houses.

What is the one, silver bullet solution?
There is no one silver bullet.

What is the mix of things we need to start doing?
  1.  Getting to use renewable more.
  2.  Using solar energy heating. 
  3.  Using fossil fuel and using cars. 
What are 3 others you can think of?
  1.   Use bikes 
  2.   Use renewable energy 
  3.   Start to use trash to make useful things.

Carbon Footprint:

Carbon Footprint explained

Heating and cooling
Air Travel
Colour 1: for actions, they are already doing 
Colour 2: for actions that they pledge to undertake in the future

Ecological Handprint The Ecological handprint builds on the concepts from the Carbon Footprint. We will look at the positive actions of:
  1. Transportation
  2. Community
  3. Consumption
  4. Water
  5. Food
  6. Home
  7. Waste

1 Colour: For each action you are already doing 
2 Colour: For each action you would like to do in the future

    Tuesday 29 October 2019

    Fossil fuel!

    Fossil fuel!
    Aim: To learn about the impact of fossil fuels on our environment.

    What are the three fossil fuels are mined?
    1. Oil
    2. Caol
    3. Natural.
    1. Toothpick
    2. Plate
    3. Cookie

    1. Draw a picture of cookie
    2. Draw a picture of habitat
    3. Colour your drawings
    4. Start to mine your cookie
    5. Draw how the cookie looks like after mining it.

    What type of habitat is it?
    It is an ocean habitat.

    How do humans use my habitat?
    Swim, Surfing, Fishing, Go on boats

    What plants and animals live there?
    Seaweed, Starfish, Octopus, Fish, Crab.

    After mining cookie:
    How has my habitat changed?
    It has a hole in the middle like a doughnut. 

    How can we avoid this in the future?
    Don't mine in the middle.

    what lives there now?

    I learned that mining things and distorting things can affect many animals and plants and can kill them.

    Friday 25 October 2019

    Hurumanu - Renewable Energy/Science Hurumanu.

    Hurumanu - Renewable Energy

    Aim: To make a solar-powered oven.


    1.   Tape
    2.   Pizza box
    3.   Black plastic 
    4.   Scissors 
    5.   Newspaper
    6.  Glad-wrap
    7.  Tinfoil
    8.  Chocolate biscuit 
    9.  Marshmallows 
    10.  Straw
    1.   Cut out the flap on the lid of the pizza box so that it is 5cm around the edge.
    2. Sellotape some tinfoil on the inside of the flap.
    3.  Sellotape some glad-wrap so that the hole you have cut on the pizza box lid is covered over with glad-wrap.
    4.   Put a piece of black plastic on the bottom of the inside of the pizza box makes a paper square that fits inside the pizza box and lays around the edge.
    5.   Put a marshmallow on top of the chocolate biscuits, place it on a plastic plate and put it in the solar oven.
    6.   Put it in the sun to cook.
    Our renewable energy oven took a little while to warm up. 

    Section 3; Investigate each of the 4 Energy types.
    ( Hydro ,Solar ,Wind ,Wave ) 

    1. Type: solar Energy 
    2. Is it used in NZ?
    3. Other Countries that use it?
    4. How is it used to generate electricity?
    5. Draw and label a diagram of the main parts of the electricity generator? This can be done on paper and uploaded or on a drawing program on your device. I do not want any Internet images or pictures. They must be hand-drawn using a ruler and labeled.

    Section 4: Renewable Energy in the future.

    List 10 ways that renewable energy will be used in the future to replace our current activities.

    So in our class, we didn't put our smores in our renewable energy oven yet. But I think our group was a success because we managed to finish the oven. Maybe next time we could work on working as time and giving other people in the team a chance to help make the oven. But other than that we did a good job.

    Wednesday 16 October 2019

    Hurumanu - Decomposing and Recycling Science

    Hurumanu - Decomposing, and Recycling Science

    Aim: To learn about the rate that different materials decompose. 
    Hypothesis: I think the banana is going to rot the fastest

    1. Bread + water.
    2. Paper.
    3. Banana.
    4. Stylophone.
    5. 4 test tubes.
    6. 1 test tube rack.
    7. Scissors.
    1.  Get your 4 tubes and place into the test tube rack
    2. Cut the stylophone out, the cardboard/paper
    3. Place the banana and the bread in the test tubes
    4. carefully add water into the test tube with bread.
    5. Then add the stylophone and the cardboard into the test tubes.
    6. Then wait for 3 weeks to see which one rot first 

    Styrophone cup

    3 weeks
    YellowBrown/GreenThe banana was yellow the changed to Brown with green rot
    BrownBrownThe paper stayed Brown
    Stylophone cup
    WhiteWhiteThe Strophone Stayed white
    WhiteYellowThe bread was white the changed to yellow

    5 week
    YellowRotten greenThe banana was rotten
    BrownBrownThe paper stayed Brown
    Stylophone cup
    WhiteWhiteThe Strophone Stayed white
    WhiteYellowThe bread was  yellow 
    This experiment was really fun but also disgusting.
    The banana 3 weeks later was brown and also green it was very smelly and was rotten.
    Paper 3 weeks later stayed the same.
    The stylophone sup stayed the same it was still white.
    The bread 3 weeks later Turned yellow and also a little bit smelly.

    5 weeks later the banana was just all rotten and green.
    5 weeks the paper stayed the same.
    5 weeks later the stylophone stayed the same.
    5 weeks the bread was yellow and also a little bit green.    

    Oranna wildlife park school Trip!

    On Tuesday we went to Oranna park with Wh and Ts. We went to have fun but to also learn about climate change about animals. we got there by bus, it was about a 13mins drive. When we got to Oranna park we lined up and waited for someone to come and take us in. After someone took us in and ate for around 10mins, then after we went and started to look at some animals.

    Some Animals we went and saw! 

    • Lions
    • Kea
    • Kiwi
    • monkeys/Gorillaz
    • Tiger
    • Rhino
    • Wild Dog
    • And more
    • Did you know that when a giraffe eats trees it is also eating the seeds of the leaves and the leaves that its eating goes into its poop and then the seeds will be in the poop and the trees will start to grow.
    • When rhinos find a space they like they mark it by pooping there so then other rhinos know that a rhino has already taken that spot. 
    • Did you know that an ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain! What!
    • Male Rhinos can get up to 2,300kgs But they can still run 50km/h.
    • Monkeys/gorilla. When you beat your heart or steer at a gorilla/Monkey they think its a sign of threatening or danger.
    •  possums are the key predators of a kea. 

    C.I.P Wednesday!

    Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. Today for C.I.P Gardening we got a choose to,

    • Create your own recipes of which includes at least 3 different fruit or vegetables. Try to come up with 2 main meals and 2 desserts
    • Use TinkerCad to create a 3D model of your dream house and Garden. Use google to get some inspiration for your house. 
    • Look at these raised garden plans and use the bunnings website to work out how much the materials will cost (you may have to convert the measurements into cm/m). Or design your own raised garden bed using TinkerCad and work out the cost to build it.
    • Research ways to keep the garden watered over summer. Focus on recycled materials.
    • Research a variety of plants that we could be planting this term. For each plant explain why that plant is suitable for us to plant and what it might need e.g soil types, particular nutrients, etc...
    • Share at least one of these activities onto your blog.
    • Often we have excess food during the peak season. Research 5 different ways that food can be preserved for a long time.
    • Your choice! If you have something that you would like to design or research, explain your idea to the teacher and get their approval before you begin.

    I chose to Use TinkerCad to create a 3D model of your dream house and Garden. So I am making this blog to show you guys what I have done so far. What I am making is not really my dream house it's just a creation that I made of a house.

    This is my creation so far. As I said before I am not done yet Creating this house. But I will update you guys when I am done.
    Thanks for reading my blog post!

    Tuesday 15 October 2019

    Extreme weather / Measuring weather. Hurumanu

    Extreme weather

    Measuring weather.


    1.  Anemometer: An instrument for measuring the speed of the wind, or of any current of gas.
    2. Beaufort wind scale: Beaufort wind scale is for measuring wind speed.
    3. Monsoon: raining season. 
    4. Typhoon: S tropical storm in the region of the Indian or western Pacific oceans.  

    1. 2 Sticks
    2. 4 cups
    3. Tape
    4. A pencil with a rubber
    5. Pin 
    6. Sticky note
    7. Scissors 

    1. Collect Materials. 
    2. Tape the 2 sticks together. 
    3. Then tape the four cups on each end of the 2 sticks.
    4. Then get the pin and tap it to the middle of the sticks.
    5. Then get your pencil and stick the sharp bit of the pin into the top of the pencil.
    6. Get the sticky note and write your names on the sticky note then stick it to your creation. 

    Spins per minute
    wind speed ( kph)
    Old J Block site
    Grass hill
    Tennis Court Gate

    the windest area is the field because it is an open space and there are not that many buildings and tall trees around the field.

    The calmest space is the court because there is fencing around the courts and there are trees around the fencing and that makes the wind not get into the courts.

    the best place to build a windmill is the field because it is an open space.

    The field spins per minute were 16 spins/wind speed (kph) 6-12 and the Beaufort scale was 2.
    Old J block spins per minute were 10 spins/wind speed (kph) 2-5 and the Beaufort scale was 1.
    Grass hill spins per minute were 5/ wind speed (kph) 0-2 and the Beaufort scale was 0.
    Tennis court Gate Spins per minute 3/wind speed (kph) 0-2  and the Beaufort scale was 0.
    The spot with the most wind was the field because it is an open space.

    Monday 14 October 2019

    What happened on the Holiday?

        What happened on the Holiday?
    Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. How is everyone doing? How was your holiday? my holiday was amazing in fact that is what I am going to do Right now I am going to share a highlight and a lowlight of Holidays?

    My highlight was that I went to my cousin's house for most of the holidays. My cousin's name is Maustina. I am going to share 1 thing we did
    So one day I went to my cousin's house Maustina and we went swimming At Jelly park. So we got there by car we also went with my uncle Maustina's dad. For both of us to go swimming it was $7.00. We went to get changed, then we went swimming. I and Maustina did some challenges like the handstand competition and won. I also did some front flips underwater. 
    We were at Jelly park for 3 hours we went there at 1.00pm and came back home at 4.00pm. When Me and my cousins got to her house we were really tired, But we did have lots of fun.

    My lowlight happened when me and my cousin went to the park Margaret Mahy to play and hang out. So we were playing around and running around the park and there were lots of seagulls flying around in the sky I was so afraid that one of them was going to poop on me so I said "please don't poop on Me" But then 5 seconds later one of the seagulls pooped on my arm. 
    It was really gross but some people say its good luck when a bird poops on you, but when the bird pooped on me it didn't feel like good luck to me it felt like bad luck. After it pooped on me I went and washed it off my arm.

    it was really nice and calm in the holidays I hope you all had I lovely holiday spending time with your family and friends.
    What did you do in the weekend?

    Friday 27 September 2019

    Science Equipment! Hurumanu

    Science Equipment! 

    Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. How are you all doing today I am doing great myself. So today I am going to talk about some safety equipment that we use in Science and also some safety rules we use in the Science lab.

    10 safety rules:

    1. No running in the Science lab. So you need to walk
    2. No food or drinks. Because a science Lab is not for eating.
    3. When you break something in the science lab tell the teacher straight away and then clean it up. Its good to tell the teacher so they know you broke something and then they won't balm it on someone else. 
    4. Bags at the back of the classroom or under your desk so then it won't get in the way if you are doing an experiment. 
    5. Listen really carefully to the instructions So you don't do something wrong and blow up the class. 
    6. When doing extreme experiments make sure to were safety glasses and gloves for your own safety.
    7. Kids should not be allowed to touch any chemicals or lab equipment unless they are instructed to do so.
    8. Do not small or eat any science equipment or things
    9. Always have your hair up so it's not in the way.
    10. Always wash your hands if you have used chemicals in science. 


    1. Beaker
    2. Test Tubes
    3. Spatula
    4. Tongs
    5. Funnel
    6. Conical Flask
    7. Measuring cylinder
    8. Flask
    9. A test tube rack.
    Image result for science equipmentPicture