
Monday 26 August 2019


Hi, Guys welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to share what we are doing in Art. For Art our theme is Manaakitanga.

Who is in my group?
In our group, we have bailey that is in my class and Travis that is in DS and Me.

What are our roles?
Our roles are

  • The director - Me
  • The camera person - Travis
  • Drawer/illustrator - Bailey  

How does our story show Manaakitanga?
We are not sure yet How our story shows Manaakitanga because we are not finished writing our story/animation.

Friday 16 August 2019

Last Day Of Digital Tec!

Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. For the past, few weeks we have been doing Digital Tec. For Digital Tec we have been looking at issues we have been doing research on an issue we picked. The issue the I picked was litter around the world. I wanted to do this issue because I know that there are lots of rubbish around the world that people don't put in the rubbish. 

So once we researched about our issue we had a choice to make a game on Game Fruit, an App on App Lab or a story. I picked to do a game. The purpose of my game is to pick up as much rubbish and in 1 minute I have not finished my game yet because when I first made my game I was done but then I think I forgot to save it, so I had to restart.  

Next steps: 
My next steps are to finish my game and test it and then see If I need to fix it and if I don't I will publish it and if I need to fix it I will fix my mistakes.

My Research Template

This is a picture of the game that I have made. It is not yet finished.

Sources we had used:
App Lab

I think this Hurumanu has been a great experience for me. I really enjoyed making my game and researching my issue. Next time I want to work on finishing my game and working more harder to finish off my work. I'd also like to thank Mrs Shehata, Mr Carter and Mr Richardson for being the best teachers and teaching about Digital things.

What issue would you pick? And would you make an App, Game or story?

Thursday 15 August 2019

P.E reflection

Hi, guys welcome back to my Blog. Today I am going to share my reflection on P.E because this is the last week of P.E.

Did you enjoy doing Maintenance Maths? Why/why not?
I kind of like doing the maths challenge because we got to work in groups to solve questions. Next time the teachers could make the math question more interesting and fun.

What we did for P.E and games!

  • Tapu ae - we had to have really good Aim so we could hit the balls off the cones.
  • Dodgeball - we had to have really good aim so we could hit people and we also had to have the strength to throw the ball.
  • crash pad - in crash pad we need to have the strength to hit the ball with the bat. And also we had to have lots of strength to throw the ball, to aim and to catch the ball
  • multisport - in multisport we had to be warm up to run around and have fan
  • bench ball - for bench ball we had to have the strength to throw the ball and to catch the ball.
In all of these games, we also had to do lots of communicating to be able to get the ball.

My Leaning Conference slideshow.

Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to share my learning conferences. For the past few days, I have been working really hard on my learning conferences that I am going to share with my parents and also my teacher Mrs Shehata. Her is my slideshow, please feel free to leave some feedback on what I can work on next time.

Friday 9 August 2019

Digital Tech work!

Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. For Digital Tech we have picked an issue that we wanted to work on. I picked litter because I want to show people How litter is affecting humans, animals and the sea. The teachers introduce us to Scratch, Gamefroot and AppLab ( We had a little play around with them then we are going to choose an app that is going to help us with our issue.

 I was a thing of making an app that explains what Is happen with rubbish and why its bad and also maybe give them a challenge like a pick up at least 5 pieces of rubbish a day. And also I was thinking about making a game with rubbish everywhere and see how much rubbish they can pick up. And Also we had to fill in a template that we had to write 3 questions and then find 3 sources of information for each question and there was more but it is on the template that is on my blog post.

My Issue is About litter 

What is the issue? Explain.
My issue is about the litter in the environment 

My issue is about litter and it is affecting animals in the sea How? Well, it is affecting them because they are getting caught in the rubbish and they are also eating the rubbish because they think its food but it's not, one whale died because he was eating lots and lots of trash. Also, Lots of birds are eating lots of trash and they are dying. We need to treat the environment Respectfully because if we don’t the animals are going to eat it and they are going to die.

Litter doesn't just affect animals it also affects humans How? Lots of people around the world are having to pick up rubbish every day and they are drinking really dirty water because people are dumping their rubbish in the water and that is going to affect their health and they are going to get really ill.

P.E: is our teamwork improving?

P.E:   is our teamwork improving?

Hi, readers welcome back to my blog, How is everyone doing I am doing great myself. Today I am going to share if our teamwork has improved working together in P.E

What's going well in my team?
We are helping each other and cheering on each other. We are working as a team to defeat the other team we are giving helpful feedback to each other.

 What can we work on next time?
I think we need to just work on communicating more with each other when we play a game as a time.