
Friday 9 August 2019

Digital Tech work!

Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. For Digital Tech we have picked an issue that we wanted to work on. I picked litter because I want to show people How litter is affecting humans, animals and the sea. The teachers introduce us to Scratch, Gamefroot and AppLab ( We had a little play around with them then we are going to choose an app that is going to help us with our issue.

 I was a thing of making an app that explains what Is happen with rubbish and why its bad and also maybe give them a challenge like a pick up at least 5 pieces of rubbish a day. And also I was thinking about making a game with rubbish everywhere and see how much rubbish they can pick up. And Also we had to fill in a template that we had to write 3 questions and then find 3 sources of information for each question and there was more but it is on the template that is on my blog post.

My Issue is About litter 

What is the issue? Explain.
My issue is about the litter in the environment 

My issue is about litter and it is affecting animals in the sea How? Well, it is affecting them because they are getting caught in the rubbish and they are also eating the rubbish because they think its food but it's not, one whale died because he was eating lots and lots of trash. Also, Lots of birds are eating lots of trash and they are dying. We need to treat the environment Respectfully because if we don’t the animals are going to eat it and they are going to die.

Litter doesn't just affect animals it also affects humans How? Lots of people around the world are having to pick up rubbish every day and they are drinking really dirty water because people are dumping their rubbish in the water and that is going to affect their health and they are going to get really ill.

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