
Tuesday 24 November 2020

Eotc week

Eotc week!

Hi, guys welcome back to another blog post. Today in Wananga we were talking about our fun days out aka Eotc week ( Eotc week stands for education outside the classroom). Eotc week is a week where our school goes out of school grounds and do different kinds of cool activities like for example this year we are going to be going to, Jellie Park, adrenalin forest and the city center (we will be visiting the museum, Margertmahy, the Christchurch art gallery, and the Turanga Library, have you guys been to any of these places?. For my task today I made 3 posters about, Jellie Park, Turanga Library, and adrenalin forest. Here are my three posters.

1 poster - Jellie park poster - This poster is showing 6 things to do before you go swimming and 6 safety tips.

2 poster - This poster is about some information about the Turanga Library.

This last poster is about how we can show our school values outside of school. 

Thank you guys for reading my blog post.

Monday 16 November 2020

Living on Mars!

What's up guys welcome back to another blog post. Last week I was learning about a group's experience of living on Mars. I thought that it was really interesting learning about their experience because you never know I/you might want to visit Mars one day too. So a six-person crew would go a stay at the Mars research station for around 2 weeks, to learn about what it might be like living on Mars. They would do all the things/tasks that they would do when on Mars, like for example, Eat Dehydrated food, They would wear their spacesuits every time they would go outside, Etc.

Here is my work that I did!

My summary:

People go and visit the Mars research station for two weeks, To learn what and how it would be like when living on the planet Mars. About a 6 person crew would be doing tasks that people would usually do on Mars For example, They would wear spacesuits and helmets every time they would go outside, and they would eat dehydrated food       (Dehydrated food is food that is processed of reducing moisture of the food, A54KA dry food) and communicate with the outside world by radio. The crew would live in a hab, which is a two-story cylinder with bunk rooms/beds, Living space, and the laboratory. The space crew would spend their time studying geology biology and learning about the challenges of living together in a small space on mars.

What challenges did Haritina have?

Haitians job wasn’t like any 9 -5 hour job, because it was a 24/7 job, you would be at the station all day working. Mars is like a completely different environment from the earth so sometimes people would have different emotions when they are in unfamiliar places.

What do you think people would need to practice before going to Mars?

Before going to mars people would need to practice being self isolated (meaning being around no one). People would probably argue every time because of the space and the place that they are in. So I think that people should also practice staying calm and practice ways to calm them down when over pressured. When the crew land on mars they would have to take some time to get used to the environment and the things around, They would also have to get used to wearing their suits every time they go outside.

2011 Christchurch Earthquake!

 Hi, guys welcome back to another blog post. Today for 2 hours we were learning and researching the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake. How old were you when the Christchurch Earthquake happened? I was around 3 or 4 when it happened, and I still remember somethings that happened but not a lot. I have made a slide show showing somethings about the Christchurch Earthquake and the Impact that it had on Christchurch. I think that it was really fun learning about the Earthquake because I got to learn many more facts and information about the Earthquake and why it happened.

Thank you so much for reading my blog post. Please feel free to leave a comment about what your thought is about the Christchurch Earthquake.

Tuesday 10 November 2020



Hello everyone, welcome back to another blog post. Yesterday period 1 we worked on some Canadian research like for example, I researched facts and other information about Canada, Did you know that Canada has more lakes than the world's lakes combined ( There are around 3 million or more lakes in Canada). Ok, so I have made a google drawing Showing my research about Canada. Feel free to leave a comment with more facts and information about Canada. Have you ever been to Canada?

Friday 6 November 2020

Mex Mince / Nachos

Mex Mince / Nachos 
Hello, bloggers welcome back to another blog post for this week. Yesterday in our last period we had food tech,for food tech we made Mex mince and Nachos. I had worked in a group of 3 with, Quaid, Coday, and myself. So on Thursday, we had prepared our food for Friday so we could heat it up and serve the food for the next day. We were required to make this blog post so we could show our thoughts on how we did and to show you guys the recipe. 

The recipe for the Mex Mince and Nachos:

Our teamwork:
I think that on Thursday my team had worked pretty good but still had some issues with taking turns and working as a team, but I do think that on Friday we improved and started to work as a group when making the food. For today I think that I would give my team 9/10 for improving and working as a team.

How I think  I did:
I think that I did pretty good at working with my team and helping them. Next time I would like to just back away a little bit and let my team do some of the work, but I will still help them just not all the time. 

I think that overall we did pretty good for to periods of cooking but I do want to do even better next week but for both days. 

Thursday 5 November 2020



Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. For today's class we have been learning and looking to events where people have been protesting for the right things, for example, women's suffrage (women's having the right to vote), Springbok tour ( where people were protesting about the African government separating white and black), The Parihaka (protesting about their land), etc. 

Two of the main protesting groups I was really interested in was the women's suffrage and the springbok tour because I think that it's right for women to vote, and white and black shouldn't be separated because we all have the same blood just different colors. So for today's tasks, we had to pick three of the tasks on the bingo board and do them.  


Overall I think that learning about protesting groups because Kids learning about this is very special, all of these interesting facts and pieces of information have just been stored in our heads, and when other people ask about what you think about the protesting groups you would already have an idea in your head.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Navigation in space!!

Navigation in space!!

Hi, guys welcome back to another blog post. Today in period 3 we had science. For Science today we were doing some research/learning about navigating without your 5 senses. Today was our research day and tomorrow is going to be the day we try out the experiment. We are going over to Kyle Park because our field is getting renewed. After I do my experiment I will write about it after the experiment.

Aim: our aim is to have a bucket on our head and walk in a straight line.                                Can I Navigate in a straight without using my senses?


Q1: What are our 5 senses?  Our 5 senses that our body uses is Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch: This is how our body/humans receive sensory information.

Q2: How do people get lost in the jungle? people get lost in the jungle because they are unfamiliar with their surroundings and the jungle is a very big place and everywhere you look it looks the same 

Q3: Do you have anything special about your legs? Yes the special things about our legs are that they are all different lengths and size, and fun fact one of your legs is bigger and longer than the other and it's most likely your right leg.

Hypothesis: Since my right leg is longer then my left leg, I predicted that I will walk either in a circle or in a zigzag, I might even walk into a bush if my safety partner doesn't give me a Warning.



  • Bucket: To put over your head.
  • Cotten wool: To put in your ears so you won't hear much 
  • Blindfold: To cover your eyes so you won't cheat and look on the ground.
  • Safety person: To keep us safe so we don't walk into a tree.
  1. Firstly we are going to make sure that we have everything that we need, and make sure you have a person that you can trust to keep you safe just in case you are going to walk into a tree or bush. 
  2. Secondly, put the cotton wool in your ears.
  3. Thirdly place and tie your blindfold around your head so it's covering your eye.
  4. Get your safety person so they can spin you around 3 times and line you up with the flag.
  5. Begin to walk and a straight line, and then see how you do.
  6. Write down how you did and felt once you finished the experience. 

So after doing The challenge a couple times with my partner Lita we were differently lucky and surprised we were still alive. On my first go, I was close to getting to the end tree but I wasn't close enough to be successful. My obvious complication was not being able to see and when I was going the wrong way or turning I wouldn't notice because I was blindfolded. As soon as the bucket was put on to my head and spun three times I felt a little bit scared because I didn't know which direction I was going to go in. I think that it is possible to walk in a straight line, but since we are so used to using our senses, as soon as they are taken away and we are no longer are able to use them, we struggle to do things like walking in a straight line.

Mars rover!

What's up bloggers, welcome back to another blog post for this week. So today in Writing/Science we learned a little bite about mars' rover, and what NASA's next mission is. Do you know what the Mars rover is? And what NASA's next mission is? Well lucky for you I am going to be sharing some information that I have read about, About Mars rover and NASA's next mission. I think learning about this was really fun and highly recommend that you should read more about NASA's next missions, And look a little bit more into the rocket ships that they build and the latest rocket ships that they have built. 

Here is my Slideshow about the Mars rover/NASA's next mission:  

 Thank you guys so much for reading my blog post. Please feel free to leave a comment about other facts about The Mars rover and NASA's next mission!