
Thursday 5 November 2020



Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. For today's class we have been learning and looking to events where people have been protesting for the right things, for example, women's suffrage (women's having the right to vote), Springbok tour ( where people were protesting about the African government separating white and black), The Parihaka (protesting about their land), etc. 

Two of the main protesting groups I was really interested in was the women's suffrage and the springbok tour because I think that it's right for women to vote, and white and black shouldn't be separated because we all have the same blood just different colors. So for today's tasks, we had to pick three of the tasks on the bingo board and do them.  


Overall I think that learning about protesting groups because Kids learning about this is very special, all of these interesting facts and pieces of information have just been stored in our heads, and when other people ask about what you think about the protesting groups you would already have an idea in your head.

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