
Saturday 22 December 2018

Day 1 activity 2 Summer Learning Journey

Hi guys today I am going to be doing my second activity for the Summer Learning Journey. for activity 2 I had to describe my city.

I personally think Christchurch is the most beautifulest place to be, because there are always so meany people smiley ,having fun, enjoying with their families, making new friends and even helping each other. I think everyone should definitely come and vist Christchurch because its beautiful and amazing.

Here is a goole drawing I made about places  you can go to in Christchurch. 


  1. Tena koe Khaylanie,

    Great to see you getting involved in the Summer Learning Journey. Are you enjoying it so far? I have been enjoying reading through you and your classmates SLJ posts.

    Christchurch really is an awesome place to live isn't it? I have just moved back here from perth 3 months ago and I still think Christchurch is the best, there is no place like home. I have also travelled around some places in Europe and though they were beautiful, they were so incredibly busy and the people weren't as friendly as the people here.

    Ka pai for going that little bit further and creating a poster with different places around Christchurch that you can visit. Have you been to all the places on your poster?

    It's great to see you using images to illustrate your blog posts. Every time that we use an image on our blog, it's really important that we tell our readers where we found it, and give credit to the owner of the picture. To properly credit a picture you will need to include a link to the site where you found the image. We have created a guide that you might find helpful. You can check it out here:
    You will need to follow these instructions to earn full points for any Summer Learning Journey activity that has asked you to post an image.

    Until next time, happy blogging :)

    1. Hi Emma
      Thank you so much for commenting on my blog. As soon as I read your comment I went back to my third activity and put the links where I got the pictures. So far I am actually having lots of fun doing the Summer Learning Journey activities. Have I been to all the places that are in my google drawing? well yes I have been to all the places on my google drawing. right after I write this comment I am going to put the inks to all my pictures. Have you ever been to these places? Cheers

  2. Hi again Khaylanie,

    Thanks so much for taking my feedback onboard and adding the links to the pictures, that's fantastic!

    I am so glad to hear that you are enjoying the SLJ. Myself and Laura are having a great time reading and commenting on all the awesome posts we are seeing.

    The only thing I have had the opportunity to do in your poster is go ice skating so I think I may have to put the other 3 on my "Things to do for the holidays" lists.

    Until next time, happy blogging :)


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1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
3. Something helpful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.