
Thursday 20 May 2021

Sciene experiment!

Hello everyone, for today's blog post I will be posting about one of the experiments we did last week with Mr. Reizinger and our class. the Experiment that we did was called Dilution and filtration where we had to add two chemicals (which are copper Nitrate and sodium Hydroxide) into a test tube and see which one made the most bright blu precipitate. 

  1. 3 or 4 test tubes 
  2. A test tube holder
  3. filterPaper to make a funnel
  4. copper Nitrate
  5. Sodium Hydroxide

Take 4 test tubes, and in the first one add measure and pour in ml of copper Nitrate. Then take 1ml of copper Nitrate and pipette into the second test tube. Add 9ml of water into the second tube to make it up to 10ml. Then repeat for the third and fourth test tubes.

Making the precipitate - Now add 5 ml of sodium hydroxide to each test tube.


which test tube had the most concentrated sample?
The first test tube had the most concentrated sample because we didn't dilute it with any water.

when we added water what were we doing to the concentration of the solution?
We were diluting the solution (making it weaker).

Which concentration of copper nitrate formed the most precipitate. why do you think it's the case?
I think that the first tube formed the most precipitate because it had the most chemicals. 

Key terms:

Filtering is when you can separate the solute (solid) from solvent (liquid)

Separate means to split apart.

once the solvent has been filtered that is called Filtrate.

In conclusion, I think that this experiment was a success because all the tubes made at least a little precipitate. I had lots of fun doing this experiments, but next time I would like to add more chemicals to see what happens.

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