
Wednesday 5 June 2019

Well being - Giving Back

Well being - Giving Back

Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to share some thoughts about the video ripple.

The video                     

In the video a girl Was going shopping with her grandmother and brother and her grandmother ask her, why don't you go and buy something for your grandpa?. She went to find a cake because it was her grandpas birthday she found the cake she wanted but another man was going to get it instead of the man buying  and walking away he gave the little girl the cake she was so happy!. They got to the check out and they found out that they did not have  enough money to pay for the food so they had to leave the cake the little girl was really sad.

 The man who gave the girl the cake saw what happen so he brought the cake and gave the cake to the little girl the grandma didn't except the cake the first time but he expand what a man did the same thing to him it was his birthday and he wanted to buy a cake his mum did not have enough money to buy the cake a old man saw what happen so he brought the cake for him and said happy birthday.

I think this story shows people the sharing is caring and that if someone gives something you should give back to someone else. I really like this video. Do you like the video? what do you think about the video please share in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Khaylanie!

    You were working so hard today in CIP and I am so pleased to see the writing posted to your blog. I think you really summed up the message of the video "sharing is caring"! What are some ways that you could share and spread kindness to show that you care?

    - Miss Birtch


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