
Monday 25 March 2019

Thinking back to Tuesdays session.

Thinking back to Tuesdays session. 

Hi guys welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to reflection on what we did on Tuesday. 

What sport were you presenting?
so on Tuesday we were presenting a sport to two groups. The sport we did was touch, and the other thing we had to do was change it up a bit. So we played turbo touch.    

what went well?
The thing that went well was most people joined in the game and did there best even if they did not wan't to play.  

What were the differences between your first session and your second session?
The first session we had with a group was good because people listened and joined in. But the second session was not as good because lost of people weren't listen and people weren't joining in to the game.

What modification did you group make, and why?
we didn't make any modification.

Reflection: am I a leader? why/why not?
I am not sure if was being a leader but in some point I did help some people out. 

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