
Friday 15 March 2019

What is happening at P.E?

what is happening at P.E?

Hi guys welcome back to my blog today I am going to be talking about Play back If you guys don't know play back Is when we do P.E and we learn how to play new games like, bench ball, Ki O Rahi, long ball and meany more. So on Tuesday we played multi ball. Multi ball is a game that played that involves netball, football, Touch and our play back teacher added basketball. 

How you play is your teacher has to pick what you play first like maybe net ball then you have to play netball then you keep switch after we get a goal. The thing we did well was that we worked as a team to get a goal and I think we did really wall. Next time we could work on passing and catching. 

The next thing we did was practising our games that we were going to present to another team. The sport we are doing is touch so we talk as a group  about how we can change it up a bit. So we had a Idea to do turbo touch. I am looking forward to playing the game and seeing how it will go. 


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