
Friday, 31 May 2019

Drama/ Hurumanu

Drama/ Hurumanu

Hi guys, for Drama we made puppets and then we had to make a puppet performance and as always I worked with Bailey to make the performance. Bailey was playing the black banana and the strawberry and the orange, I was the pineapple. The performance was about a black banana that was being called 'black' by a pineapple and then he was trying to prove that he is not black and there is more to the story but you will have to watch the video and then you will know what the story is about.


We also learnt about puberty we learnt about different body part and how to look after our body and how to keep our body clean. At the end we got to ask questions that we wanted to know about.   

What did I think about the Revolution Tour?

What did I think about the Revolution tour?

What was the best thing/ about the Revolution?
I think the revolution tour was fun because we got to see some performers and we got to sing when a man Reggie was playing a saxophone. My favourite part about the tour was when Reggie told a really sad story about what happen to him when he was a baby, It made me have lots of emotions like sad,happy and I also felt really sorry for him  but at the end it was a happy ending.

What did I learn from the talk?
I learnt that you always need to look after one another and love each other no matter what. You should always be nice to each other because its not nice to be mean you don't know what is going on in someone else's  mind. So be kind and always have a smile. 

Thursday, 30 May 2019

What I pink shirt day?

What is pink shirt day?

Pink shirt day is when you wear something pink to support people who get bullied everyday.  

What is the story behind pink shirt day?
There was a boy who was wearing a pink shirt to school and a group of boys saw him  then they started to bully him just for wearing a pink shirt. Another group of boys saw what happened, So the next day they wear pink shirts to support him and make people to realise that it's alright if you are a boy that is wearing pink. Also they brought 50 T - shirts for people who want to stand together to stop bullying.  

What day do we celebrate it on?
The day we celebrate it on is the 17th may

Why should we stand up together to stop bullying?
Because students are getting upset, they commitment to suicide and they are turning their backs on them self. kids and adults to are just over it they do not want to be bullied anymore.

Hurumanu - Plants

Hurumanu - Plants


Plants fall into two categories:

1. Evergreen
2. Deciduous

Image result for deciduous
Image result for evergreen

Find three examples of each:

1.  Pine tree 
2. Eucalyptus tree
3.  Kauri

1. Oak 
2. maple
3. spruce 


Image result for simple leaf

Simple                                 Compound   

Choose a leaf and do a leaf rubbing.

Plant type: Deciduous / Evergreen
Leaf type: Simple / Compound
Leaf colour: Green
Photo of leaf: Image result for simple leaf
Plant drawing:Image result for tree drawing


Plant type: Deciduous / Evergreen
Leaf type: Simple / Compound
Photo of leaf:

Plant type: Deciduous / Evergreen
Leaf type: Simple / Compound
Photo of leaf:

Plant type: Deciduous / Evergreen
Leaf type: Simple / Compound
Photo of leaf:

Plant type: Deciduous / Evergreen
Leaf type: Simple / Compound
Photo of leaf:

Plant type: Deciduous / Evergreen
Leaf type: Simple / Compound
Photo of leaf:


  1. Carnivorous plants
  2. Pine trees 
  3. Fruit trees
  4. NZ Natives

You will need to do the following:

  1. Title: NZ Natives
  2. Examples: 


Habitat: (select one from the list)

  1. Desert / beach / mountains / swamp / plains / forest 
Climate (select one from the list)

  1. Hot / warm / cold
  2. Rainy / dry / 
  3. Windy / still

Hurumanu - Mars

Hurumanu - Mars

Aim: To learn about Mars exploration.

1. Rover facts 
2. Design, Draw and Make a Rover
3. Mars facts

1. Rover facts: 

What are the 5 parts for? 
Link: Rovers 5 parts
Fill in the table below.

Name: Khaylanie
The wheels Also have individual steering motors. This steering capability allows the vehicle to turn in place, a full 360 degrees. The four-wheel steering also allows the rover to swerve and curve, making arcing turns.
Solar Panel
it produces electricity from the sun so that the rover can move.
The SuperCam on the Mars 2020 rover examines rocks and soils with a camera, laser and spectrometers to seek organic compounds that could be related to past life on Mars. It can identify the chemical and mineral makeup of targets as small as a pencil point from a distance of more than 20 feet (7 meters).

The camera sends photos back to NASA. It can do 3 point 60 turn.  
Shovel, rock pick,drill
The Mars 2020 mission will gather samples from Martian rocks and soil using its drill. The rover will then store the sample cores in tubes on the Martian surface. This entire process is called "sample caching".

2. In groups of 3 you will Design, Draw and 
Make a Mars Rover out of 
Lego Technics.

  1. Lego Technics
  2. A4 paper
  3. Pencil
  4. Ruler
  5. Eraser
The drawing and model must have:
  • 6 wheels
  • 1 camera
  • 1 tool at the front than includes a shovel, pick and drill.
  • 1 solar panel
  • 1 laser that points at the ground

 ( Take a photo and upload  your mars rover onto your blog.)

3. Mars Facts
Link: Facts

You will need to find out the following:

Picture of planet

Image result for erathImage result for Mars
Length of 1 year
365 days687
Length of 1 day
24 hours1 day and 31 minutes 
Distance from the sun
149.6 million km227.9 million Km 
Distance from Earth.
54.6 million kilometers 54.6 million kilometers
9.807 M/s2 3.711 M/s2
mostly blue with green and brown and white for the clouds red ish
-88 to 57 C70 degrees 
Rainfall39 inches 518mn
  1.  78% nitrogen
  2. 21% oxygen,
  3. , 0.9% argon
  4. and 0.03% carbon dioxide

  1.  95.3% carbon dioxide 
  2. and 2.7% nitrogen    
  1. 510.1 million km2
  1. 144.8 million km2
Moons and names
  1.  moon
  1. Phobos
  2. Deimos

Conclusion: Write about what you have learnt.
Today I was working with Bailey, Anneleise, Janel and Keyana The first thing we did was watch a video of a spaceship going to mars to deliver a robot. Today I learnt that mars is 70 degrees It must be really hot. The second thing I learnt was that mars moons and names are Phobos and Deimos and earth is just moon.