
Friday 13 September 2019

Sciences! Solar Energy Hurumanu

Hurumanu - Solar Energy

Aim: To find out which colour attracts the suns heat.

Hypothesis: I think that the black will attract more to the suns heat.


  1. White Paper
  2. White cup
  3. Black plastic
  4. Clear plastic cup
  5. Black plastic cover
  6. Tinfoil
  7. Silver cup
  8. 100mls water
  9. Thermometer
  10. Heat lamp


  1.   Get all your materials from the teacher.
  2.  The second step to getting one of the white cups and covers it with the Tinfoil then put it on top of more tinfoil.
  3.  Third get the clear cup and cover it with the black plastic then put it on top of another black plastic.
  4.  The fourth step you don't need to do anything to the other white cup because it's already white.
  5.   Fifth, Then get the teacher to pour 100mls of water into each of your cups.
  6. Turn on your heat lamp and make sure the heat lamp is facing all the cups equal and wait for 15mins 30mins and 45mins.
  7.  After every timer goes off put the thermometer in the cups and wait for 1 minute then take the thermometer and see what temperature each water is on.
  8. The last step sees which colour does the heat attract more.


The Tinfoil cup heated up the least. The Black cup heats up the most, but the white cup was in the middle it didn’t heat up the most or the least

Cup 1
Cup 2
Cup 3


In conclusion my findings in this experiment state that The Tinfoil cup heated up the least. The Black cup heats up the most, but the white cup was in the middle it didn’t heat up the most or the least.
So the color that attracted more to the sun's heat was the black cup.
Solar heat
Solar panels
Black plastic to heat water
In other hot countries sometimes they paint their house white so the there house is cool

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