
Monday 29 April 2019

Embarrassing moment.

One embarrassing moment:
One day mum told me that I was going to do a speech in front of the church. I was really nervous but I did it anyways. So the next day some people came from church and helped me write my speech they keep asking me question and sometimes I said I don’t know, umm. I just didn’t know what to say. But finally the embarrassing day was here. In the morning I told mum that I was so nervous but she told me that I was going to be fine.

We got to the church and I was getting more and more nervous as I was getting closer to the church I had butterflies In my stomach. We got in the church and they called my name to come and speak I went up I was so nervous that I felt like I was going to throw up. I was half way throw my speech but randomly I didn’t know what to say so I stopped talking and looked at my mum and she was telling me to keep going I had Watery eyes.

But then I took a deep breath in and keep going. Finally I was done I was so happy. I went back to sit with my mum and I nearly tripped.but luckily I didn’t fall over. I sat down and My mum said I did a great job.

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