
Wednesday 13 December 2017


This week on Monday,Tuesday and last week on Friday Tuesday we had 4 days of EOTC. On Thursday we went Ice Skating and clip amd c lium, on Friday we went  Surfing , On  Monday we went to Mega Air and Jaily park last but not lest on Tuesday we went sailing. My favourite part was when we went to sling and this doesn't mean that I didn't the other activity but anyways the thing I like about siling is that we got to practice first and then we went into the water another thing I liked about siling is that the water was warm. I Also went on the boat about 5 times that was very fun. The plase was called Lake Brunner I felt nervous and scared but when I actually did the actually I had so much fun you guys should definitely check them out. Please leave a comment down below.

Thursday 30 November 2017

Athletics days

On Tuesday the 28 we had Atheletics day and the events where high jump, long jump, shot put, 
discus sprints and long distance. The first thing we did was sprints I flet nervous when we started but when we finshed I forund out  that  I came 3rd place. so I went to the finals and when we did the finals 9 year old girls race I came last but I tried my best. The othere thing we did was discus I think that I came 1st in discus. We also did high jump I didn't go that high but I jumped highy then when we practicing for that day. My favourite part was when we had the race becase we got to see the school race so that was very fun Also my favourite part was when we got to have break. That was also very relaxing I was very  tired. My goal for next year is to run in long distance.

Friday 24 November 2017

Information report about cheetahs.

Image result for cheetahsImage result for cheetahsImage result for cheetahsImage result for cheetahsImage result for cheetahs
Talofa my name is Khaylanie. Have you ever heard of cheetahs? If you  haven't you are about to know everything about cheetahs will not everything but somethings like what they eat, where they live, how many cubs they can have, what cheetahs look like,  how fast they can run.  So prepare to be amazed.

What do cheetahs eat?
Cheetahs are carnivores so they eat meat,like rabbits,bird, antelopes,impalas,gazelles, and other smaller hoofed animals in its habitats .

Where cheetahs live?
Most cheetahs are found sub-saharan, Africa and in eastern and South Africa. They Also like open grazing grand. That is cool but Scary because they might eat you.

How many cubs cheetahs can have?
After 90-95 day a female cheetahs will give birth to a litter of 3-5 cubs. The larger litter is 8 cubs. The cubs usually weaned at 6-8 week and will then leave the den a follow there mother.

What cheetahs look like?
Cheetahs have short tan coat that has small black spots which helps them hide or be camouflaged. There are no spots on the cheetahs white stomach area. Adult  cheetahs will grow to between 90 and 140 pounds and around 4 to 4.5 feet long.

  How fast can cheetahs run?
Cheetahs can run up to 75 miles per hour. They can also run60 miles per hour within just three seconds- this is how fast they can run 110-120 km/h that is fast can you run that fast.

My conclusion
So far I found out that cheetahs can have a litter of 3-5 cubs and the larger litter is s cubs. Also I found that cheetahs can run up to 75 miles

Per hour that is fast and they like to eat rabbit, bird’s Impalas, Antelope and Gazelles. Another thing that I found out about cheetahs can live in Africa, South Africa and open Grazing ground. My favourite thing about cheetahs was that cheetahs have spots which help them hide or be camouflaged how cool is that. I think that learning about cheetahs is a cool experience to do.

Monday 20 November 2017


          W.A.L.T Reading that instructions, then teaching other people    

This week and A few weeks ago we learnt how to play some game. We got the game from the
Warehouse. Because the Warehouse donated some money to use so we can by some stuff. So our teacher decided to by some new games for use. We just wanted to thank you wherehouse for the games. Me and Shanarnia decided to play a game the we havn't play yet. So we picked BOLD becasce it looks like a fun game. me and Shanarnia weren't the only ones play the game becouse all of literacy group one played the game. The purpose of playing the gams are to read the instructions,learn haw to play the game and then teach other how to play. this is a pictures. my Opinion is this game is confusing but when you keep practicing then you get better at playing the game. her is a little slidshow of how to play BOLD.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Canterbury Swim School

This term we are starting siwmming leasson for two weeks. We got there in a big bus. The bus was red and yellow. It took as about 4 to 5 minues to get there it wosn't that long untill we arived. When we got there we had to take of our shoes and pot it netley on to one side of the room. After that we had to take off our school close. then a man that teachs a group he just had to say some words about the roles. Then we got in to the groups. My instructor was a boy called Matthew. suddnelyI was the only one the didn't have my cap or goggles. in my group was Meleana, Michaela'o, Mikayla, Zayd, Mattisin, Evelyn, Tehya and me. First  thing that we do is we had to do one length of the pool. I felt nervous one I got there but when I wasn in the pool I wasnt nervous at all. One thing that I need to practice on is blow bubble under water here is a short video of me siwmming with my group. Hope you like. Plaeas leave a comment down below and when you comment use positive, helpful and thoughtful things. thank you

Friday 29 September 2017

For and against bees

Reasons for and against bees the links that I have been read. link 1 link 2

This week I have been learning about bees. please leave a comment below. Thank you and enjoy.

Good things
Bads things
  • They make honey with pollen.

  • They like flowers .

  • They make food.

  • They make flowers grow.

  • That bees help everything grow by
            Spring pollen and seed .

  • Leave them alone and they will leave you alone.

  • Honey bees can fly at speed of up to 15 miles per hour.

  • Bees collect nectar from flowers and put it in the hive

  • Beeswax makes great candles.

  • Beeswax is a good water repellent. We use it to waterproof all kind of things such as boots and bags.
  • They sting you.

  • When bees sting you they die.

  • They make buzz at the afternoon.

  • If they die there will be no more hanging.

  • If you're allergic to a bee don’t go near it. Because you might die or you can lose consciousness  and your neck can get swollen and your eya ways can become blocked and it go to be Hard to breathe.

  • If there’s a bee in a flower don’t touch the flower before it stings you.

        Some fact about bees

  • Bumble bees only make a little bit of honey.

  • Bumble bees don’t live in paper nets or or hive’s the but they live in Underground Burrows .

  • At the end of summer the worker bees sometimes kill the Queen bee.

  • Bees only live one season antle they die.

  • Bumble bees live all over the U.S you might see them in meadows or orchards.

  • The queen Bumble lays eggs will the worker bees bring the food and build a underground nest of wax

  • Each Bumblebee has a special job.

  • Honey bees can fly at speed of up to 15 miles per hour.

Friday 22 September 2017

Partly Cloudy

Partly Cloudy
It was a beautiful summer sunny day, birds were flying around the city like little bees.The birds were nearly as tall as the tree’s. The clouds were pink and white the house’s where nice bright colours, and this is where the story started.

Once there was a very nice city and it was the most quiet city of all. The birds were flying around and giving out presents like Puppies, Cats, Babies and all sorts of things. The birds looked like seagulls with long beaks like Pinocchio. When the birds finished they would go back to the magical fluffy clouds that looked like cotton candy.

They are the magic clouds in the shining sky that make the presents and then the birds deliver them as a job, the birds love their job, except one bird that works for a dark grey cloud, all he can make is deadly, ferocious animals.  The dark grey clouds name is Gus, it’s not his fault he can only make dangerous animals, the reason is because he was a defect made by the cloud queen, but she was so nice she offered him a job as a cloud worker.  

One day Gus’ bird came back, and he wasn’t happy.

Gus had made a crocodile. The bird's name is peeck. Peck picked up the crocodile. “OUCH” the crocodile bit peek's head! Gus put the crocodile in the white bag. Peeck picked up the bag and flew away.  When peck came back Gus had already made another animal, a porcupine!  Gus had then made a Bighorn Sheep, then Peck delivered that.  Next thing that happened was, that Gus made a cloud of a shark, and Peck was terrified, so he flew away to a pink cloud, who gave him a big white bag.  Inside the bag was a mystery, but what Gus was feeling, was more important, Gus was so angry he felt like he could electrocute everything with his thunder and lightning.  He was so angry that he started crying over and over, until Peck came back to him with the big white bag.  Peck opened the bag, inside was armor to protect Peck from whatever was going to hurt him next, and for the rest of his life.  Gus was so happy that he made another animal, an eel, Peck decided to hold it, but they found out that is was electric!  Quite shocking!

Friday 15 September 2017

Going down the slide

This week, I have been writing a story about Going down a Slide. I tried to describe how I was feeling and use some similes. I hope you enjoy it.

Going Down the Slide 

One stormy day, I was as nervous as I was before a maths test .I wanted to go down the big red slide, it was as red as a tomato. My hands were shaking like a blender was blending. My face was as red like it was going to explode and my legs shivering like I was in cold ice.

I took a deep breath in and went down the sidie. Then I went down the silde. I went like “ahhhhhhhhhhhh” I kept going down and down until I got to a edge of a big pile of pace balls. I nearly fell down but luckily I didn’t.

I was so scared and I jumped on the wall of plastic balls. I looked down one more time and I started climbing. I looked on the other side and I jumped on the other pile of plastic balls and I kept climbing until  I saw my Orange Plaster almost about to  fall down. Sadly it fell down and I closed my eyes and I caught it with my mouth and I opened my eyes. I shook my head when the plaster was in my mouth it was really really really yucky!

I let go of the plastic balls and I almost fell down but luckily I didn’t and lollipops saved my life. Then I grabbed on and kept climbing until  I got to the top yaaaaaaaaaay. The End .

Friday 8 September 2017

Slime Recipe!

We are making silme for our marable day. maradle day is What we have when we fill our marble jar.
when we behave really well for a sesion we get  a few marble,when we fill our jar,we get to pick what we want to do for mable day. this time the class chose slime!  So today we will be making slime!  I am working with Zayd to make this slime, to make this slime we will have to use our values and co-operate because otherwise we will not be able to work together nicely.

Here is the link: Slime Recipe!

Monday 4 September 2017

The performance

On Wednesday 30th we did our extravaganza performance it happened at the High School Auditorium. My group was Outlook for Thursday .We wore summer clothes, sunglasses and a towel.

Also we got to bring your chromebooks to keep us entertain we also brought snacks because we would get really hungry. Ako Ngatahi and Wahi Ako people that don't go to choir went back to school. We were so surprised that we had to go back to school at night we went into Wahi Ako.

We went to Wahi Ako because it was going to be along time until we were going to be performing. So when we got there we got to pick what we do but it had to be something appropriate. Miss Scott witch is one of Wahi Ako teachers put on a movie the movie was the spy next door, but no one was watching it so they changed it to Scooby-Doo.

It was time to get our stuff ready so we went to over to the new hall and got the props. Miss Millard  gave out some lollies. After that we walked over to the High School and lined up in our line’s.

Then it was time, we went into the back room and the first group went up on the stage. After all of as finish doing the performance the Pacifica group had to get ready when we finished getting changed we went and lined up and went on stage we did a sasa, boys haka and a some dance they didn't have the song so we had to skip that. So when the School finished their performance the whole School went on stage and gave a bow.

Friday 4 August 2017

Hornby Pimary School Extravaganza

Hornby primary school
 there is a performer’s of a Extravaganza at Wednesday the 30th or Thursday 31th August At 6.30pm this will be held at the Hornby High School. There will be Tickets cost a gold coins it will be available from HPS office Monday 28th August . There will be a small number of tickets for sale on the night.
Image result for ticketsImage result for Hornby Primary School sign                  

Monday 31 July 2017

Blog Comments.

We are learning how to interact online in a kind, positive and helpful way.
Learning how to leave quality blog comments is an important part of having a blog. It teaches us how to interact with others online and enables us to continue growing our positive digital footprint.

compliment the writer in a specific way!
Add new information!
make a connection!
End with a Question!
proofread your comment!

Friday 7 July 2017

mystery of the lost city Atlantis.

W.A.L.T create a model that shares something we have learnt about our mystery.
                                  Mystery Creation

For the last terms we have been learning about mysteries and making a model of the mystery. I was doing the Lost City of Atlantis. It sunk under water. Here is a photo of when it was destroyed.

The Lost City of Atlantis was sunk under water by a volcano eruption and a tsunami. Atlantis was gone in one night! Wow this is a very good mystery to discover. Well, that is enough now of this mystery. I hope you liked my post about the Lost City of Atlantis. Bye see you next time.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Wednesday 28 June 2017

the lost city of Atlantis

this slideshow is about a mystery about the lost city of Atlantis I hope you like my slideshow

Wednesday 24 May 2017

solve division problem

We are learning  to... 
 Solve division problems by using my known times table this is useful because it'is faster and so you don't have to us your hand or skip counting.

Monday 22 May 2017

Thursday 18 May 2017

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Monday 15 May 2017

Exploring Blog

We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.

We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online.


Thursday 11 May 2017

W.A.L.T repeated addition

Hi peeps today I made a DLO about  repeated addition.  it well help you with multiplication.Hope you guys like it.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Cultural show

This term we have been looking at different cultural. for the last 3 weeks we have been learning a traditional cultural dance. I learnt the sasa. I felt proud and nervous. I felt proud because the sasa was my cultural and I was nervous because I was calling out.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Spencer Park

W.A.L.T Write an information report that informs the audience.

Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when….
  • I use an opening statement that explains the subject of the report.

  • The opening statement is followed by sentences that describe the event; what you saw, what you did, how you felt, what you learnt.
  • Each paragraph focuses on a different aspect of the topic; travelling, the beach, the lagoon walk, playground.
  • A general statement about the topic usually rounds off the report.

Spencer Park

On Friday rooms 1, 2, 3, 10 and 11, 12 went to Spencer Park me and 6 other people went in Keri’s car we Listen to songs and played Chinese Whisper. When we got there we got out of the car and got our bags and sat in are number I was number 4 and my group went to the playground first. I went on the swing with some other girls and then me and Meleana went to sit down because we were tired. After that we went to the beach and when we got there we sat down and we had a choice if we want to take off our shoes then we had to find some things and a big stick and then we had morning tea. For morning tea I had Doritos and sandwiches. Then we had to go to the toilet and go for a lagoon walk. I saw spider web homes and I learnt that these are for the baby spiders to live in. I had a good day at Spencer park and I hope that I visit there again.

Friday 31 March 2017

Spencer Park Sculpture

W.A.L.T  create an original sculpture using objects found on the beach.
 On Friday rooms 1, 2, 3, 10 and rooms 11,12 went to Spencer park and we got to go to the beach near Spencer park. We got to collect some stuff from the beach.
I created a sculpture and I called my sculpture hanging shells because shells are hanging off it.

Friday 17 March 2017


WALT: 'Read between the lines' and look for clues about what the author implies but doesn’t state directly.

Inferences is what you 'know' even when you are not told.
I found this a little bit hard at the beginning, but then I started to get it.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

The present

In the past weeks our class (Ako Ngatahi) were writing a short story about a video titled “The Present”. It was a story about a boy who got a present and it was a puppy. After he discovered that the puppy only had three legs.

Here is the video

W.A.L.T: Write a narrative

Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when….
  • The title is suitable for the text.
  • The orientation tells who the story is about, and when and where the story happened.
  • The complication describes a problem and explains what happened next.
  • The resolution explains how the problem was solved.
The present

One sunny day I was playing my video games minecraft and nights . Suddenly my mum came home with a boxes then the phone was Ringing my mum said to open the so I did I opened the boxes slowly. Then a dog Jumped out I felt happy because it was Cute but then Saw the dog's leg it only had three legs I I pushed it away and started to play my video game .It find a red ball and it went to get it he Stumbled and fell I laghet I saw how the dog felt torment he felt sad that I didn't play with him I stand up and got the ball I had the same thing has him I walked outside and started to play. Mand my dog are going to be best friends

Friday 3 March 2017

Learning Goals 2017

This is week we have been doing learning goals. My learning goals are in rending, writing and maths.
I hope you like my learning goals slide show.  I am going to work hard at home and school to achieve these goals.

Cyber Smart DLO

On Thursday  we went to the High School to listen to John Parsons. He is an expert on being cyber smart. He taught us how to be safe online. This DLO is all about keeping safe online. I liked listening to John Parsons because he taught us how to be safe when we are playing games and online.

Thursday 2 March 2017

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Welcome to your very own blog for learning. We look forward to seeing you share your learning with your teachers, your school, your family and friends anywhere.