
Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Eotc week

Eotc week!

Hi, guys welcome back to another blog post. Today in Wananga we were talking about our fun days out aka Eotc week ( Eotc week stands for education outside the classroom). Eotc week is a week where our school goes out of school grounds and do different kinds of cool activities like for example this year we are going to be going to, Jellie Park, adrenalin forest and the city center (we will be visiting the museum, Margertmahy, the Christchurch art gallery, and the Turanga Library, have you guys been to any of these places?. For my task today I made 3 posters about, Jellie Park, Turanga Library, and adrenalin forest. Here are my three posters.

1 poster - Jellie park poster - This poster is showing 6 things to do before you go swimming and 6 safety tips.

2 poster - This poster is about some information about the Turanga Library.

This last poster is about how we can show our school values outside of school. 

Thank you guys for reading my blog post.

Monday, 16 November 2020

Living on Mars!

What's up guys welcome back to another blog post. Last week I was learning about a group's experience of living on Mars. I thought that it was really interesting learning about their experience because you never know I/you might want to visit Mars one day too. So a six-person crew would go a stay at the Mars research station for around 2 weeks, to learn about what it might be like living on Mars. They would do all the things/tasks that they would do when on Mars, like for example, Eat Dehydrated food, They would wear their spacesuits every time they would go outside, Etc.

Here is my work that I did!

My summary:

People go and visit the Mars research station for two weeks, To learn what and how it would be like when living on the planet Mars. About a 6 person crew would be doing tasks that people would usually do on Mars For example, They would wear spacesuits and helmets every time they would go outside, and they would eat dehydrated food       (Dehydrated food is food that is processed of reducing moisture of the food, A54KA dry food) and communicate with the outside world by radio. The crew would live in a hab, which is a two-story cylinder with bunk rooms/beds, Living space, and the laboratory. The space crew would spend their time studying geology biology and learning about the challenges of living together in a small space on mars.

What challenges did Haritina have?

Haitians job wasn’t like any 9 -5 hour job, because it was a 24/7 job, you would be at the station all day working. Mars is like a completely different environment from the earth so sometimes people would have different emotions when they are in unfamiliar places.

What do you think people would need to practice before going to Mars?

Before going to mars people would need to practice being self isolated (meaning being around no one). People would probably argue every time because of the space and the place that they are in. So I think that people should also practice staying calm and practice ways to calm them down when over pressured. When the crew land on mars they would have to take some time to get used to the environment and the things around, They would also have to get used to wearing their suits every time they go outside.

2011 Christchurch Earthquake!

 Hi, guys welcome back to another blog post. Today for 2 hours we were learning and researching the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake. How old were you when the Christchurch Earthquake happened? I was around 3 or 4 when it happened, and I still remember somethings that happened but not a lot. I have made a slide show showing somethings about the Christchurch Earthquake and the Impact that it had on Christchurch. I think that it was really fun learning about the Earthquake because I got to learn many more facts and information about the Earthquake and why it happened.

Thank you so much for reading my blog post. Please feel free to leave a comment about what your thought is about the Christchurch Earthquake.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020



Hello everyone, welcome back to another blog post. Yesterday period 1 we worked on some Canadian research like for example, I researched facts and other information about Canada, Did you know that Canada has more lakes than the world's lakes combined ( There are around 3 million or more lakes in Canada). Ok, so I have made a google drawing Showing my research about Canada. Feel free to leave a comment with more facts and information about Canada. Have you ever been to Canada?

Friday, 6 November 2020

Mex Mince / Nachos

Mex Mince / Nachos 
Hello, bloggers welcome back to another blog post for this week. Yesterday in our last period we had food tech,for food tech we made Mex mince and Nachos. I had worked in a group of 3 with, Quaid, Coday, and myself. So on Thursday, we had prepared our food for Friday so we could heat it up and serve the food for the next day. We were required to make this blog post so we could show our thoughts on how we did and to show you guys the recipe. 

The recipe for the Mex Mince and Nachos:

Our teamwork:
I think that on Thursday my team had worked pretty good but still had some issues with taking turns and working as a team, but I do think that on Friday we improved and started to work as a group when making the food. For today I think that I would give my team 9/10 for improving and working as a team.

How I think  I did:
I think that I did pretty good at working with my team and helping them. Next time I would like to just back away a little bit and let my team do some of the work, but I will still help them just not all the time. 

I think that overall we did pretty good for to periods of cooking but I do want to do even better next week but for both days. 

Thursday, 5 November 2020



Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. For today's class we have been learning and looking to events where people have been protesting for the right things, for example, women's suffrage (women's having the right to vote), Springbok tour ( where people were protesting about the African government separating white and black), The Parihaka (protesting about their land), etc. 

Two of the main protesting groups I was really interested in was the women's suffrage and the springbok tour because I think that it's right for women to vote, and white and black shouldn't be separated because we all have the same blood just different colors. So for today's tasks, we had to pick three of the tasks on the bingo board and do them.  


Overall I think that learning about protesting groups because Kids learning about this is very special, all of these interesting facts and pieces of information have just been stored in our heads, and when other people ask about what you think about the protesting groups you would already have an idea in your head.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Navigation in space!!

Navigation in space!!

Hi, guys welcome back to another blog post. Today in period 3 we had science. For Science today we were doing some research/learning about navigating without your 5 senses. Today was our research day and tomorrow is going to be the day we try out the experiment. We are going over to Kyle Park because our field is getting renewed. After I do my experiment I will write about it after the experiment.

Aim: our aim is to have a bucket on our head and walk in a straight line.                                Can I Navigate in a straight without using my senses?


Q1: What are our 5 senses?  Our 5 senses that our body uses is Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch: This is how our body/humans receive sensory information.

Q2: How do people get lost in the jungle? people get lost in the jungle because they are unfamiliar with their surroundings and the jungle is a very big place and everywhere you look it looks the same 

Q3: Do you have anything special about your legs? Yes the special things about our legs are that they are all different lengths and size, and fun fact one of your legs is bigger and longer than the other and it's most likely your right leg.

Hypothesis: Since my right leg is longer then my left leg, I predicted that I will walk either in a circle or in a zigzag, I might even walk into a bush if my safety partner doesn't give me a Warning.



  • Bucket: To put over your head.
  • Cotten wool: To put in your ears so you won't hear much 
  • Blindfold: To cover your eyes so you won't cheat and look on the ground.
  • Safety person: To keep us safe so we don't walk into a tree.
  1. Firstly we are going to make sure that we have everything that we need, and make sure you have a person that you can trust to keep you safe just in case you are going to walk into a tree or bush. 
  2. Secondly, put the cotton wool in your ears.
  3. Thirdly place and tie your blindfold around your head so it's covering your eye.
  4. Get your safety person so they can spin you around 3 times and line you up with the flag.
  5. Begin to walk and a straight line, and then see how you do.
  6. Write down how you did and felt once you finished the experience. 

So after doing The challenge a couple times with my partner Lita we were differently lucky and surprised we were still alive. On my first go, I was close to getting to the end tree but I wasn't close enough to be successful. My obvious complication was not being able to see and when I was going the wrong way or turning I wouldn't notice because I was blindfolded. As soon as the bucket was put on to my head and spun three times I felt a little bit scared because I didn't know which direction I was going to go in. I think that it is possible to walk in a straight line, but since we are so used to using our senses, as soon as they are taken away and we are no longer are able to use them, we struggle to do things like walking in a straight line.

Mars rover!

What's up bloggers, welcome back to another blog post for this week. So today in Writing/Science we learned a little bite about mars' rover, and what NASA's next mission is. Do you know what the Mars rover is? And what NASA's next mission is? Well lucky for you I am going to be sharing some information that I have read about, About Mars rover and NASA's next mission. I think learning about this was really fun and highly recommend that you should read more about NASA's next missions, And look a little bit more into the rocket ships that they build and the latest rocket ships that they have built. 

Here is my Slideshow about the Mars rover/NASA's next mission:  

 Thank you guys so much for reading my blog post. Please feel free to leave a comment about other facts about The Mars rover and NASA's next mission!

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Communication in space!

Communication in space!

Hi, bloggers welcome back to my blog post. For the past two weeks in Science, we have been learning/researching about communication in space. For our research, we had to find out why no one can hear you scream in space and this is what I found out. 

Why can nobody hear you shout in space?

The reason why no one can hear you in space is cause In space sound can’t travel throughout the vacuum ( the vacuum of space is nothing) of space. Sound is a mechanical wave, so that means it needs some sort of substance to travel through, such as water and air. So in space, there is no air so the sound has nothing to travel through.

The challenge!

After we finished our research we did a challenge. The challenge was to use flag signals, morse code, or binary to try and communicate with our partners from a distance. I and my partner Bailey decided to do flag signals. Flag signals are a type of signal/communication that you would sometimes use in space. these are what flag signals look like.

our complication!

Our complication was that some of the flag signals looked very similar, So for example G and A. G and A are Similar but they are opposite to each other. But our complication was that I was standing in front of her but in a distance so my left to her would be right and my right to her would be left.

Our solution!

Me and Bailey's solution was to change some of the moves that looked the same and wrote them down on a piece of paper. For example, for G we would still have it in the same position but I would be waving it from side to side.


After all the work and communication that we did, I had a great time learning about flag signals, morse code, and binary. But overall I liked the flag signals the most because it was one of the easiest ones to act out, but it was also complicated to read the signals from afar distance. 

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

The solar sytem!

 What's up guys welcome back to another blog post. In science, we have been learning and researching about the solar system and stars. Do you know how stars die? or what is a star?. Well lucky for you I am going to be talking and sharing some facts and peace of information about the solar system and stars. If you have any other facts about stars and the solar system feel free to leave a comment in the comments. Thank you for reading my blog post.

Here is my work

What is a solar system? 

A solar system is planets around a star.  The planets are in order from closest and farthest away from the sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The solar system is also filled with stars and asteroids, But stars can only be seen at night when it's dark. The sun is a very important part of the solar system because its force of attraction holds the solar system together, and it also gives us light and heat during the day and night. 

What is a milky way?

The milky way is shaped like a spiral and it contains up to about  100 - 400 billion stars which also includes the sun. The sun is the only star we see in the day because it provides us with light and heat, and the rest of the stars we see at night. The milky way is a galaxy that our solar system is part of. So the little light we see at night is the billions of stars that are part of the milky way. The milky way doesn’t stay still, it moves around the solar system just like the sun and moon. 

What is a star? Describe a Nebula?

A star is a luminous ball of gas, in the olden days stars us to help people navigate seas, and also helps scientists navigate the universe. So a star is huge from where we are. It's really small but up close it's huge. A star is mostly filled with hydrogen and helium that makes light and heat.  The little dots that we see at night are years away from earth.  They are like little blocks of the galaxy creating all kinds of shapes and pictures.  A Nebula is a giant cloud of dust and gas in space. Some of the Nebula is formed by gas and dust from exploding stars that have died.

How does a star die?

It takes millions of years for a star to die but When a star dies it explodes and it expands to form ( A red giant)  and then all of its layers will gradually blow into space leaving little white stars called dwarf stars which are about the size of the earth. Stars are born and formed by the dust from clouds in space and can live up to 10 million years,  which is like 10x longer than how we live. Without dust and gas stars would not form.

Sunday, 25 October 2020


 What's up Bloggers welcome back to another blog post for this week. So for the past week or so, We have been learning/researching a little bit about Parihaka. For our task, we had to read an article that was from a book about Parihaka, then we had to answer some questions. Do You know what Parihaka is? And where it is?. Well, Parihaka is a little village part of the Taranaki region in the north island located between, Mount Taranaki and The Tasman sea. So for Today's blog, for those who don't know much about the Parihaka. I am going to be sharing some facts and information about the Parihaka people and their village. 

What events lead up to Parihaka being established?

The Parihaka people were established by Te whiti O Rongomai and Tohu kakahi. Because Parihakas aim was to create a community/whanau where everyone was equal and didn’t need any help from anyone and their basic needs. The new Zealand government at that time were confiscating land that belonged to Moari and throughout Taranaki, but Before the government had promised the Moari that they would have some control of their lands.  However, the crown had broken their promise and started to confiscate the lands again. Many of the villages lost their land and were forced to move. Most of them decided to move to Parihaka where it was safe

What were the ideas behind setting up Parihaka?

All that the Parihaka wanted was a peaceful settlement of their community and whanau. The Parihaka also wanted to be equal with everyone in the community. 

           Who established Parihaka?

Te whiti O Rongomai and Tohu kakahi Were the ones who established The Parihaka. Very good responses!:-)

Where is Parihaka located?

The community of the Parihaka is in the Taranaki region In the country of New Zealand, And it's located between Mount Taranaki and The Tasman sea. People today still live there, and I’ve heard that you can go there and get a tour.

      When did the invasion of Parihaka occur?

The invasion happened in 1881 5th of November. Around 1600 soldiers had entered the village, marching through the little kids singing and playing with their poi’s. The soldiers pushed through the women who were offering bread, but they had ignored and carried on to the marae where the people were sitting silently and still. A man called Bryce read out an order for the people to leave. But people were anxious to leave. After 4 hours the soldiers had finally left, and everyone was relieved but also nervous about what was to come.

How do you think the people of Parihaka were feeling when the troops entered their village?

I think the people of Parihaka were probably feeling really scared and nervous about what was going to happen. Some people might have also had butterflies in their stomachs. If I was there I would have also been really scared and nervous.

Q - Do you think stories about the events of 5th November 1881 were reported on by the media at the time?                                                  A - I don’t think that there were any cameras and T.Vs to share this problem with other villages/ the rest of the country at that time but I do think that there were newspapers that were written by people that had witnessed this situation, and people might have handed These newspapers out to villages around them/close to them.

Q - How long were Te Whiti and Tohu imprisoned? Where? What did they intend to do when they returned to Parihaka?                                                    A - Te Whiti and Tohu were in prison for 6 months, At the Addington jail down south, The Addington jail was located at Ripapa island near quail island. It doesn't tell us in the story about what they were going to do when they returned home

Q - What was the impact on Māori when the New Zealand Company and other representatives of "The Crown" confiscated or purchased land very cheaply from Māori? What happened to Māori who lost their land? Where and how did they live 

A - The impact on the Maoris was pretty hard on them and had affected them a lot because When the Moari had lost their lands and homes they were forced to move and some went to live at the Parihaka village where it was a safe and peaceful haven.

Q- How do you think the New Zealand wars impacted on iwi and 

groups of people who were no longer able to live on their Whenua?

A - I think that since people had lost their homes and land maybe It was hard for them to find homes and be expected in different communities. It might have also been really hard for them to find food.

Q - What does the word PEACE mean to you? What is "passive resistance? What does the phrase mean?

A - The world peace to me means where everyone has equal parts to land and other things, but also when making discussions everyone has a say in the discussions. Passive resistance is when people protest in peace and nonviolence. This doesn’t mean people just sit there in silence and let the opposition take over, but it means they talk in peace and not violence.

Q - What other ways are there to solve major issues between people/countries that do not use violence as a way of controlling others or solving problems? A - Other ways to solve a problem is to make a treaty/ vote on what is right and what is wrong. Another way to solve a problem is to Have a group talk with your community and then talk about ideas that people have and what are somethings that could solve the problem where everyone agrees.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

The Gold Rush!

 The Gold Rush!

Hi, guys welcome back to another blog post. Today in Hurumanu 1 we watched some videos about the Shantytown and Hunter's gold. Have you ever been to the Shantytown? I haven't but I should go there one day. Did you know that at Shantytown you get to find your own gold and you get to keep the gold you find?. I Didn't know anything about the gold rush at the start of the lesson. but then at the end of the week, I learned a lot about Goldrush and discrimination.

What do you know about Gold mining and discrimination?

To be honest I don't know anything about gold mining and discrimination. So I am really excited to be learning more about it.

Hi hello, guys sorry for the late update on the gold rush. Here is my slide show. Enjoy

Niuean language week!

 Niuean language week!

Fakaalofa atu bloggers, Happy Niuean language week. In homeroom, we have been doing some research on the Niuean culture. We had to make a slide show or powertoon and etc. I chose to do a slide show because it was easy and fun. So here is my slide show please feel free to comment any other greetings or facts about Niuean.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Needs and wants - Health

 The differences between Needs and wants!

Hello everyone. Welcome back to another blog post for this week. Today in period 5 we learnt about needs and wants and the differences between them.                             Do you know what the difference between needs and want is?. Well lucky for you I have a little slide to show you that will tell you about needs and wants and also what the differences between them are. 

Here is my slideshow 

Thank you for reading my blog post. please feel free to comment any other needs and wants people might have.

Monday, 12 October 2020

My holiday!

 My holiday!

What's up guys welcome back to another blog post. Today is the first day back to school from our 2-week break. This term is our last term for the year and I am really excited to see what this term is going to look like and be like. I thought that I would share some things that I did during the holidays. 

 Going to my friend's house! 

 on the first week of the holidays, I spent 3 days at one of my best friends' house Risha. The first day I was there we had a sleepover because we thought it would be fun and because it was the holidays. Most of the time I was there Me and Risha spent the time outside exploring the place and going down to the stream next to her house. One of my favorite things we did outside was going for bike rides. We would go on short but fun rides around the neighborhood, and on one of our rides, we found a cat wandering around the place. So we stopped to pat it for a minute or two and the cared on with our ride. I had so much fun spending time at my friend and would differently do that go over again.

Staying home!                       

On the second week of the holiday, I stayed home all week. one of the days I stayed home my little cousin Lani came over for a little. Me and Lani did a lot and since it was a beautiful day we decided to spend our day outside in the sun. One thing that we did was tie-dye, I had some tie-dye supplies left and I thought it would be fun to do a little bit of tie-dye. We decided to tie-dye pillowcases and they came out really colorful and pretty. One of the other things we did was shooting some hoops. I came up with a fun challenge for me and Lani and the challenge was whoever could get 10 shoots in first wins, but of course, Lani got to go closer to the hoop and I was further away from the hoop. Lani had won the first game but we played multiple games so I think we won the same amount of games.

Netball break up!

On the second week on Friday, my netball team had an end of the season break up because we didn't have prizing giving this year. I am really proud of my team because we stayed in division 1 for the whole season which is great. So for our end of season break up we went to Mega Air, I was actually quite excited because I hadn't been there in a while. Unfortunately, some of our players couldn't make it but we still had a great time. We decide to go to Mega air in the morning but you won't believe me but it was packed. There where kids everywhere and every time we were about to jump there would be a kid running in front of us, so we had to be very careful not to jump on a kid. After going to Mega our coach took us to B.K and got us some yummy frozen drinks and that had differently cold me down.

Thank you so much guys for reading my blog post I really hope you guys had a great holiday, whether you just stayed in bed or did chores.

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Metal Health Awareness!!

Mental Health Awareness!

Hi, bloggers welcome back to my blog. For Our last period today, we wrote down things that could help with our mental health. There are 4 different types of well beings, Spiritual, Family & social and Mental & Emotional. These are all of the types of well beings that are part of your mental health. Here are some things that help with my mental help or that could also help you. Spiritual - pray,meditate, yoga and go somewhere special to you.

Physical - Go for walks,Exercise, have my 5+ a day,drink water and stay Hydrated and Do activities outside, go swimming and having enough sleep for the next day.

Mental & Emotional - I like to read a book, Right down your emotions on a book, lay down and close your eyes, Take a momment to go out side and have a breath in, cuddle with your pets and give somone a hug.

Family & Social - Have a family day out and spend more time with them, make a family tiktok, take family photos and go vist your loved ones.

Thank you guys for reading my blog. Those are somethings that I like to do for my wellbeing. What things do you like to do for your wellbing

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Healthy lifstyle

Hi, guys welcome to another blog post for today. Today in health we had a task to write a 4-course meal for a day - Breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. The four main groups of food were Grains, Fruit and vegetables, dairy, and legumes.  These are the four main groups of food that you should be having every day to have a healthy lifestyle. Here is my meal plan.

Your Task: Create a meal plan for 1 day that includes all the necessary amounts for each of the 4 Food Groups

Vegetables + Fruit - at least 3 servings of veggies and 2 servings of fruit every day 

Grain foods - 6 servings each day (check portion sizes)

Milk/Milk products - 2 servings

Legumes/Nuts/Seeds/Fish/Seafood/Eggs/Poultry/Meat etc. - 2 servings 

When you have created your meal plan, please highlight each food based on the colors provided above. This will help us clearly see where each of the food groups has fit in. Remember, you want each meal to be a balanced plate.

Bonus research: how many glasses of water should we have each day? Fit this into your meal plan. 


Weetabix - Milk, Banana, Sugar


Sandwich - bread, Eggs, Mayo, Apple


Grapes, Cheese, Bar,hard-boiled eggs


Steak, peans, Milk, rice


How many servings per day? 8

How do you think you could fit these in besides just at mealtimes? 

  •    Dinner

  •   Lunch

  • Snack

Becoming a martian!

 Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. We are starting a new Hurumanu which is science and writing. We did Science last term about Mars and this term we are learning more about mars again part two. Today we got an article from out of a journey that we had to read. If you guest it's about mars in this article it tells us all about growing food and how they get water etc. There are some questions that we had to answer so I am going to share them with you.


  1. When can a mission to Mars (or from Mars) happen? Why? 

Any mission from or two mars can happen every twenty-six months. Because the two planets would be really close together at this time.

  1. What are the two geological features of Mars?

Mars is called a red planet because of its color and the cause is because of the large amount of iron oxide. The largest volcano on mars is called Olympus mons, and the largest canon is called Valles Marineris.

  1. What is one possible solution from the story about oxygen on Mars?
    One option is to live in caves or underground lava tubes. When they go outside they would need to wear spacesuits, and NASA is already working on a new type of spacesuit that would keep astronauts comfortable and alive.

  1. If it doesn’t rain on Mars, where does the water come from? 

People from Earth can not take water to mars because the water is very heavy and it takes up a lot of space. On Mars, it doesn't rain so astronauts get their water from the polar ice caps where their water is found as ice. People that have been on Mars have discovered more water underground, and only a little amount of water flows on the planet's surface and When it’s warm enough on mars the water is packed with toxic salts.

  1. How will people get food on Mars? What is a possible solution?

If people were to take food to Mars it would have to last them at least twenty-six months until the next rocket of food arrives, and the amount of food for each person would weigh 5 tonnes. So the possible solution would be to use mirrors that would direct the sunlight to where the ice polar caps are. You would do this because it creates carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas. The heat would be used as a warm blanket. Soon after it would be warm enough for plants to grow.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

This terms art and writing!

Hi, guys welcome back to another blog post. For this term, we have been doing Art and Writing. It took us a while to finish our writing and drawings but in the end, we finally got there. Our stories were based on Heros and villans. We had to make a plan first before writing our story so then we have a strong idea of what we are writing about. My two main characters are Evaan he is a boy and also the villain but in the end, he changes and because a hero too. My second main character is Tina she is the hero and she is trying to stop Evaan from taking the animals away from the jungle. Those are the two main characters I have one more character which is Bob and he is Tina's little sidekick but he isn't in the story a lot. Ok, that's enough information I will link my writing on this blog post.

For our drawings we had to draw a drawing of our setting, unfortunately, I haven't finished my drawing of the Jungle, but I do have to drawings of my Villan and hero. The main things we had to have in our setting drawings is a perspective line, a vanishing line, and a Horizon line.

These are my drawings:

This is the link to my writing!

This term I have had a great time drawing and writing my story about heroes and villains. Next time I would like to finish all my drawings so then I can post them on my blog and show them to my family and friends. 

Tuesday, 25 August 2020


Hi, guys welcome back to my blog today for drama we have been finishing off some work this term, so I thought I would share a little bit about my character. So I posted a blog post a while ago about my script/play and also some games we played today. Today we didn't get to play any games because we ran out of time. This is a little bit about my character goldilocks.

So I am goldilocks. I am 13 years old and I am an only child. I live in the forest with my parents and grandparents. I help my mum with things around the house and I also help my dad with mechanical things. I like to go for walks and do fun activities outside like painting or playing with my dog. I don't have any friends but I do have my dog he is really fluffy and chubby. So yeah that's all I have to say. Nothing really intersting in life.

Thank you guys for reading my blog post. I will be posting a video about my play soon.

Friday, 14 August 2020

Crazy laws Speech!

 Crazy laws speech

Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. For Hurumanu 2 we have been doing some speeches. We got a couple of periods to research about what we are going to talk about in our speeches. I have decided to research about crazy laws because I know that a lot of people don't know much about crazy laws, and I don't know much about them myself. I couldn't find any crazy laws in New Zealand so I have done crazy laws from around the world. One of the craziest laws that have learned about is that women in Saudi Arabia aren't allowed to drive but we will talk more about that in the video.

Monday, 27 July 2020

Character Strengths!

 Last term in wananga we learned about our character strengths.
 What are character strengths? Character strengths are things that you are good at doing. For example, my first strength was gratitude, gratitude is, You appreciate the things you have which is being grateful and also you love food and your family. So I have some questions here that I have to answer about my character strengths.

What are your top 5 Strengths?
  1.  Gratitude - Appreciate the things that you have and you love food and family.
  2.  Honesty - You say what you think and you are true to your values. People see you as someone they can trust.; 
  3.  Kindness -  You care about others, you go through life thinking about others and you look out for them and not just about yourself.
  4.  Creativity - Your inspried by others but you like coming up with your own ideas. You like thinking outside of the box and your not afraid to experiment and try new things. 
  5.  Hope - Your likely to be a positive person, even if things aren't great. You believe that you are going to improve and others to.

Did you expect these strengths why, why not?
I'm going, to be honest but I didn't really know what to expect becasue I don't really know much about my strengths because, I don't  pay much attention to my strengths that I have. 


Thursday, 23 July 2020

Drama Games!

Hi, guys welcome back to my blog, Hope you all had a great Holiday. For today in Drama, we played a couple of games called charades, 7 up, and copy the leader. These games need a lot of teamwork and you also need to listen carefully, and the purpose of this blog is to tell you guys what are the rules and the connections that we need to play these games.

For charades, one person at a time had to do and actions that their card said to do, and then the rest of the group has to work as a team to guess what the person is acting out.

  1. In this game, the person who is acting has to do a lot of actions and body moving 

7 up:
7 up is similar to tequila so for this game you need to get in a circle and one person starts off and they say one and then the next person say and then you keep on going until you get to 7. When you are up to 7, that person has to say 7 up and also put one hand over there heads, You can also switch directions by just pointing the other way. 
  1. In this game, there is a lot of handwork 
  2. You also need to listen carefully otherwise if you are to slow you are out
Copy the leader:
Last but not least we played copy the leader. Copy the leader is, when in a circle you pick one person to do random actions, then you pick another person to go outside and then come back in once you pick a person to do random actions. The person who came back from outside needs to find out who is the person changing the actions in the circle.

  1. In this game, you need to look very carefully to see who is the person in the circle that is changing the actions.
Hi, guys so I am adding on to this blog post I am going to share my Monologue that I am going to be doing for Drama.

This is my Monologue - Character goldilocks

I am Not a Thief. 

Why does everyone think That I am just because I went into a family bears house?

 I only went in there to explore not to steal or do anything bad but everyone thinks that I am a thief.

 I try to be a generous and kind person, I mean like I did break the baby's chair but it wasn’t my fault that it was unstable.

I got really hungry when I was going for a walk so I smelt the delicious porridge so I decided to go in that direction and then I ended up eating the porridge. I know I was being a little bit greedy and ate all the porridge. But THEY should be grateful because I thought that the porridge was yummy.

Thank you for reading my blog post!

Monday, 29 June 2020

Hurmanu 1 work/ NZ wars

Hi, guys welcome back to my blog. Today for Hurumanu 1 we were watching one of the Aotearoa history shows, and after we watch the video we had to give a summary of the video. In this video, there was a lot of information and I suggest if you guys have spare time you should go and watch it because it has a lot of facts information.


Today we were watching the Aotearoa history show the Nz wars episode 6 part 2.  In 1862 someone said that they saw a version of an angel saying that the Maori should own the land.  At this time the Maori people thought that the government of the British people were spying on them and they were ready to fight. The British government sent over military soldiers to Nz to guard so the Maori couldn't get in. 

In 1846 the M killed 7 of the soldiers from British. The British people thought that the Moari hated all of them because the Moari killed the missionaries and so they just used that as an excuse. in 1865 there were bloody battles, 300 to 400 Pamela got sent to the Chatham Islands. The British military had found out about the Maori tactics. Tekote had been sent to the Chatham Islands and had started another religion.

There was a new leader for Paimarie fighting genius and his name was Te Toku but the thing is he didn’t want to fight but he had to. One of the people killed was a famous person. some of the British thought they could exterminate the Maori. The British were offering a bounty if they killed a certain person. 120 Paimarie were killed in the war and their bodies were left on the rocks to rot in the hot summer. By 1872 the Nz wars were basically over, Nearly 300 thousand people died and 200 thousand were Maori. 

In 1863 the land was illegally confiscated from Maori. Scared hills were quarried and Most northlands were turned into pakeha land. It wasn’t about the land that they were fighting about it was the fact that the land had so much spirit.

Thank you so much for reading my blog post. I hope you learnt something about the Nz wars. Leave a comment if you know any other information about the NZ wars. Have a good day