
Friday 28 December 2018

Its day 2 ativity 2 of the Summer Learning Journey.

HI guy how are you guys doing? its day 2 ativity 2 of the Summer Learning Journey. For today I have to list at least three teams that has the name "Ferns" in there title.

Black Ferns-they play for the New Zealand rugby unions woman's.

Image result for black ferns women's

Silver Ferns- they play for the New Zealand Netball.

Related image

white Ferns- theyplay for the New Zealand National cricket team women's.
Image result for white Ferns

so far my favourite uniform has been the Silver Fern. Which uniform do you like?

Day 2 Activity 1 Summer Learning Journey

Hi guys, day 2 of the Summer Learning Journey has started. So as I said on my first Summer Learning Journey post the topic of the week Is a place to stand. On my first post I forgot to say that for four weeks our topic is going to be Wourld Around us. 

SO todays activity we are going to learn about native plants but noi just any plant I am going to talk about the Kauri tree. Have you ever heard or been to Kauri. The Kauri is the biggest tree of its cand in New Zealand! Another fact is the most popular place people visit to see this beautiful native tree is Waipaua forest. I would love to visit this amazing tree because I would like to learn more about and because it's just so native and beautiful to New Zealand. 
Tane Mahuta Walk: The mighty kauri tree, Tane Mahuta.Where I got my picture

Saturday 22 December 2018

Day 1 activity 3 Summer Learning Journey

Hi today I am going to be doing my third ativity for the Summer Learning Journey this activity is a bonus activity. For this activity I had to make a digital footprint. Think what is a digital footprint? to me a digital footprint is a footprint that has all your personal information that you have shared online, and not only this information is seen by famliy and freinds, but is seen and can be found by everyone. 

Here is my digital footprint.

Day 1 activity 2 Summer Learning Journey

Hi guys today I am going to be doing my second activity for the Summer Learning Journey. for activity 2 I had to describe my city.

I personally think Christchurch is the most beautifulest place to be, because there are always so meany people smiley ,having fun, enjoying with their families, making new friends and even helping each other. I think everyone should definitely come and vist Christchurch because its beautiful and amazing.

Here is a goole drawing I made about places  you can go to in Christchurch. 

What was my favourite EOTC day? 😍

What was my favourite EOTC day? 😍

have you ever been to Adernalin Forest ?

Hi guys welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to talk About What was my favourite EOTC day. EOTC Is four days when The year 6s and 5s go out in public.  The first Day we went to Quail Island , The second day we went to surfing, the third day Adrenalin Forest, fourth day we went to Haswall pool and ice skating.

 My favourite activity was Adernalin Forest because it was challenging because we had to have A lot of resilience to get through the levels. level 1 was easy but as I got thore the levels 2 and 3 I t got I little bit more scary . The level that I got to was I complete level 3 but I  didn't have time to do level 4.

What level have you gotten to? 

Day 1 activity 1 Summer Learning Journey

Merry Christmas everyone. Welcome back to my blog, Today I have good news! the Summer learning journey has officially started. So I am going to be bloging over the summer holidays. The topic for this week is a place to stand, So today I am going to get started  on the Summer Learning Journey.

So for today I will be talking about 3 Fun facts about New Zealand. The website I got my fun facts from was, 
Fun facts About New Zealand
. Here is the google drawing I made with my three fact. 

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Armistice day Blog post 2 🙂

W.A.L.T share ideas and thoughts about what I have read.
do you celebrate Armistice Day.

Hi guys welcome to my blog for reading we have been learning about Armistice day. SO Today I am going to share my second blog post about Armistice. For my second Armistice day blog post I made a DLO that is not a video but its a google drawing with question and information about Armistice day. Here is my DLO hope you enjoyed please leave a positive,helpful and thoughtful comment.

Monday 26 November 2018

Summer Learning Journey prep. 😃

Summer Learning Journey prep
Hi guys, today I am going to be talking about the Summer Learning Journey . We had another lesson about the imaginary country we are visting the coutry that I amimaging to vist is mexico. So today we had to review a TV show from the country that we are researching about and then find out the name of the show, what you liked about the show, what you didn't like about and then you give the video a rating out 5

What is the name of the show? María Belén y Ludovico.

What did I like about the show? I thought that this show was  funny because I liked how the little girl was being so annoying to her poor dad.

What didn't I like about the video? 1 thing I didn't like was that There were now translation worlds at the bottom but other then that I still like the video

what do I rate the video out of 5? I give this video a rate out of
**** out***** 4 out of 5.

What is one thing you like about the video? 😃

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Armistice Day 😀

W.A.L.T share my ideas and thoughts about what I have read.

Hello welcome back to my blog today I am going to be sharing 3 fact about Armistice Day. I have been working on this for about 1 week. I found this 3 fact from 3 different texts which are Stuff, News hub and a video from youtube.
This was very interesting to learning about because I haven't heard of Armistice Day before. Armistice Day and Anzac day are very similar to each other. Ok lets get on to the fact here are the 3 facts.
  • On the 4 of August 1914 Britain declared the war
  • 98,950 served 18,058 past away and 41,000 where injured.
  • The 11 hour the 11 day and the 11 hour 1918 the war ended
What is one fact that you know about Armistice Day?

Thursday 15 November 2018

What is my maths stanine for the end of the year? 😀

What is my maths stanine for the end of the year?😀

Welcome back today I am going to share my maths stanine for the end of the year.  At the start of the year I got a stanine 3. So to improve I have been work really hard to move up a staninie. My goal was to get a stanine 4 or 5, and on my test I worked really hard to get a stanine 4 or 5, and guess what I got a stanine 4 yay. I was so happy for my self mostly because my mum and dad would be really happy for me.

what was your stanine? you do not need to share your stanine if you don't won't to but you can tell me if you moved up a stanine or if you stayed the same stanine? is there any more questions about the test if you do don't be afraid to ask me in the comments 

Useing a number line to help us solve addition and subtraction DLO 👍

😍 W.A.L.T use number line to help us solve addition and subtraction. 

Hi guys welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to make a video about useing a number line to help us solve addition and subtraction question. When I made this video It was a little bit confousing because I didn't get what to say .  Here is my video Hope you like it Please leave a postive helpful thoughtful comment and also try to add a question.

 Question have you ever used a number line. If you have leave answer the question in your comment 

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Summer learning journey.😃

Summer learning journey

Hi guys welcome back to my blog we. For cyber smart we are doing Summer learning journey. So for Summer learning journey we had to pick a conurty out of Mexico, Australia, South Africa, England, Canada, Germany, Malaysia, Chile, Japan and United Arab Emirates and find out some facts about the conurty we pick. Here is the slidshow I made about Mexico.
Here is a question would you live in Mexico or vi

Prepare for our end of year Pat comprenesion and Star test.

W.A.L.T Prepare for our end of year Pat comprehension and Star test.

Hi today I am going to prepare for the two tests that I am going to do at the end of the year. the to test I am going to do is the Pat comprehension and Star test. At the start of the year I Also did a Pat comprehension and star test. Pat comprehension and Star test is important because it shows how much we have improved. 

At the start of the year I got a stanine 3 for both of my tesst . My goal is to At lest get to  a stanine 4 or 5 for both of my tests. To improve I am going to re read the parghragh and read to the end of the sentence. If I get unfocused I can Take a dip breth in or I can take a little break.

Here is a question Have for you have you ever done a Pat comprenesion and Star test. Let me know if you have in the commnet section.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

My Genius Hour project

Hello welcome back to my blog today I am going to be shareing  my Genius hour Project. For Genius we get to pick what we want to do out of sewing, lEGO construction, Lego stop motion, making a game on scratch, drawing and construction. So For Genius hour I have been work on lego construction with some of my freinds. So far I have belt a rockship station and  a pig pen for the pigs that I made. I dicded to do lego contruction  because I thought that it would be nice to try something new. I think I done  a very good job on building my rockship station and my pig pen. Here is a slide of some of the questions I answered about my Genius Hour Project and a picture of my creation. 

Thursday 18 October 2018

Khaylanie and Jareds pamphlet

Talofa lava today I am going to be showing a pamphlet that I made with my friend Jared in term 1 . This pamphlet is about health leaders.  We have paragraphs about when do we have health leaders, how you can become a health leader, what is a health leader, when do we have health leaders, where  do we  have health leaders , why do we have health leaders and last but not least who is in that health leader team for 2018. So I thought that it would be nice to share it because then you guys can give me and Jared some feedback that we could work on. here is  A link to our pamphlet that we made. Hope you enjoy please leave a positive, helpful and thoughtful comment.

Pamphelt link

Monday 15 October 2018

Teaching my buddy how to fold his milk.

W.A.L.T Teaching my buddy how to fold his milk.

On Friday I had buddy class. For buddy class we had to show our little buddys how to fold there milk. So I teached my buddy Austin how to fold his milk. I teached Austin how to fold his milk by reading him step by step on how to fold  his milk carton . I think Austin did a really good job on folding his milk carton. The only thing that Austin needed to work on was squishy the milk carton down but other then that he did a great job. Here is a picture of the instructions. 

Wednesday 19 September 2018

My challenging maths DLO

W.A.L.T work out discounts using fractions and percentages.

Hello welcome back. This week we have been learning about how to work out discounts using fractions and percentages. when I started using percentages it was really confusing. But when I started learning more about percentages I started getting use to using percentages. This is how I figured out how to work my question.1/2 is the same as 50% eg half 100=50. 1/4 is the same as 25% eg half 100=50 half 50=25. My first question was 50% off $22.00 I worked it out by halfing $22.00=11 I now that because  11+11=22. My second question was 25% off $44.00 I worked it out by halfing $44.00=24 half the 24=12 so it must be $12.00. I have a question for you guys when you watched my video did you pick it up very fast or did you have to watch it a couple times?please leave a positive,helpful and thoughtful comment and please don't be scared to comment what I have done wrong.

Doing my name in sign language

 Doing my name in sign language

Hi guys today I am going to showing you guys how to do my name in sign language. I learnt how to do my name in Sign language when the health leaders went to the formal at Whanganui school. Now I am going to show you guys how to do my name in sign language Also here is a slide of some photos and the video.Enjoy hope you guys liked my slideshow. Please leave a helpful thoughtful and positive comment.

Thursday 9 August 2018

My hot spot doc writing

Hi guys welcome back today  I am going to share a piece of writing from my hotspot doc. This writing is about when a found a rabbit a catched it. Hope you guys like it please leave some feedback on what I can work on.

This morning when me and my mom were getting ready and starting to drive to school my mum spotted a rabbit and then she said ‘’khaylanie a rabbit’’ ‘’,where I said. ‘’There’’ . Oh there, what are you doing go and catch it.
I went outside of the car and trade to catch it but I couldn't.  Then I told my mum, mum I can’t catch it. So then she pulled the car over and came and help me, and then we finally catch it and I was so happy. I grabbed the rabbit from my mum and held it like it was a baby.We went back in’to the car and she went and dropped me of. then she went home and dropped the rabbit of with my other rabbits and guinea pigs.  

Tuesday 31 July 2018

My Orientation

Talofa lava , for the past few day I have been work on my orientation for my writing. So I am going to show you my orientation writing. Hope you like my writing.

I was  sitting on the mat at school waiting for the bell to ring. I was waiting and waiting and waiting and  finally the bell rang. I was super excited to go home, relax and start my holiday.

Friday 22 June 2018

Trust Trekkers special mission.

Today the trust Trekkers had to do a special mission. We had to go and stand at the two car parks and wait for our visitors to arrive. When they got here we had to ask them are you here for the Uru Manuka trust meeting, and if they said yes then we had to introduce ourselves.

 For example I had to say "Hi my name is Khaylanie I am a trust Trekkers at Hornby Primary School. I will show you the way to the office". We had to stay out there for about half and hour and it was cold. Then finally we went back to our warm class.

Please leave a helpful thoughtful and positive comment. See you guys next time.

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Weather cycle DLO

Ih guys welcome back. Today I am going to be showing you guys my weather cycle DLO. Also I made this DLO as a anmaion. I have been doing this for about 6 or 7 weeks. So hope you guys like my DLO. Please leave a positive helpful and thoughtful comment.

Thursday 24 May 2018

My Repeted Addition DLO

Hi guys welcome back, today I'm going to be showing use a DLO about Solveing division problems by using repeated addition. Here is my video.

Hope you guys learnt something from my video please leave a Positive,Helpful and Thoughtful comment.

My Cyclone slide

Last term my class learn't how to make a diorma. We got 5 questions to answer about cyclones. I chose to put my answers into a slideshow. The teacher that was teaching us was Miss Wilson. 

I hope you gus liked my group Cyclone slide please leave a Helpful, Thoughful and Positive.

Friday 13 April 2018

My amazing diorama

Hi guys welcome back. Today I am going to be sharing my diorama with you guys. This term I have been working so hard with my friends Tom and Quaid to get this finished. We did our diorama based on Samoa. The materials we used were, cotton balls, toothpicks sticks, clay, popsicle sticks, coloured paper, hot glue gun and sand. We found it hard getting the sand to stick and making the huts as the sticks kept coming off.

I think this was a very cool project to do and I am very happy with our diorama. Thank you for reading my blog post please leave a helpful thoughful positive comment.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

My Frida Kahlo art

Hi gus its khaylanie today I am going to be showing you gus a piace of Art work could Frida kaholo. We did this Art work because we where doing some other Art works about self portrait. So we thought it was going to be a preft Art work. here is my Frida Kahlo art work.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Add Addition and Subtraction to make ten.

This week we have been learning to add addition and subtraction to make ten. We had to make a video to show the strategy we used  to make ten. Here is a short video of me using my strategy to make ten.

Thank you guys for watching. Please leave a positive,helpful thoughtful comment on what I could do next time.

Friday 9 March 2018

My learing goals for 2018.

My learning goals for 2018

Hi guys today I am going to be sharing my amazing learning goals for 2018. We have learning goals because if we didn't know how to do something then we can make a goal throw the year and see if we can make a difference from the start of the year to the end and. So we can also see if we can get better at the goal that we are working on. Also we have Interviews when I had my interviews I was very nervous I did not now way I was nervous but it is just how I am will any ways lets get on to my learning goal slide.

So I hope you like my blog post about my learning goals I hope you guys learnt something from my learning goals. Please leave some feedback when I do some more blog posts so you guys can tell me if I am get better at one of my goals see you guys tomorrow. 

Thursday 15 February 2018

DLO - ways to use your chromebook

This week I have been learning ways to use my chromebook smart. What I did was made a Google drawings and wrote down some ideas and then I decorated it. 
I hope you like my DLO about ways to use my chrombook smart.Please live a positive helpful and thoughtful comment down belw buy see  you next time.

Friday 9 February 2018

the frist 3 days of school 2018

the first 3 days of school 2018
This blog post is about when the Amazing magician Elgregoe came to our school and did an Amazing magic show. Also he had a new student helper.

This week on the first 3 days of school the Amazing Elgregoe came to our school and did a fantastic magic show for the hole school. Suddenly he had a new student which was his helper, so his wife wasn't in the show
But his wife brought one of their granddaughter and she was so cute.
Most of Elgregoes tricks where new. One of his tricks was when a bird came out of a picture the bird had- white feather and a tattoo under its wing .My Favourite

magic trick was when he put his hand through the mirror that was Amazing. Also My Favourite thing about the Elgregoe is that he has lots of pets. I wish that I had lots of pet like hem. Her is a picture of on of his birds.
Well that's all for today I hope that you like this blog post. Please leave a comment down below. Her are some picture's of Elgregoe doing some of his magic tricks. Thank you.